Martin Luther King Jr. was born in Atlanta, Georgia. -
Graduated from High School
Graduates high school at age 15, enters Morehouse College. -
Enrolls in Crozer Theological Seminary in Chester, Pennsylvania.
King decides to devote his life to God and enrolls in Crozer Theological Seminary in Chester, Pennsylvania. Here he gets his Doctorate degree. -
Married to Coretta Scott
King marries Coretta Scott, a former music student, Marion, Alabama. When she first met him, Coretta was not sure she wanted to date a minister, but she eventually fell in love with him. -
King's House is Bombed
King's house is bombed by whites people who are unhappy with the bus boycott. Despite the bombing, King encouraged the African American to not fight with violence -
Kings First Book is Published
King writes a book about the Montgomery bus boycotts and "Stride Toward Freedom" is published. -
King is arrested in Atlanta
King is arrested while participating at a protest called a "sit-in" at a department store in Atlanta. Robert Kennedy calls the judge and King is released on October 27. -
I Have a Dream Speech
King gives his "I Have a Dream" speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Thousand of people watch as he gives his speech. This march was for the support of the Civil Rights Act. -
Noble Peace Prize
King wins the Nobel Peace Prize. King is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in the Civil Rights Movement. He is praised for calling for peaceful resistance to discrimination against African Americans. -
Was assainated by James Earl Ray on April 4, 1968, Memphis, TN -
King's birthday is declared a national holiday.
In honor of him they mad King's birthday is declared a national holiday. He is one of only two people, along with Christopher Columbus, to have his own holiday. -
Elected the President of the Montgomery Improvement Association
King is elected the president of the Montgomery Improvement Association. After Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat to a white man on a bus and is arrested, Montgomery African Americans refuse to ride the buses. They decide to choose Martin Luther King Jr. as the president of the improvement association.