martin luther king

  • Martin Luther King Jr. was born

    Martin Luther King Jr. was born
    10 things you dont know about Martin Luther King Jr.Martin Luther King Jr. was born on january 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. Martin was original born with the name michael. Martin Luther King Jr. father traveled to Germany and got inspired by the leader of the protestant reformation Martin Luther. So Marthin Luther King Jr. father King Sr. changed his own name and so did Martin Luther King Jr. .
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    Martin Luther KIng Jr.'s Life

  • Martin tried to kill himself

    Martin tried to kill himself
    In May 1941 Martin's grandmother, Jennie, passed away from a heart attack. Martin was just 12 years old when his grandmother died. This made a traumatic impack on Martin's life. Martin jumped off a second story window at the family home. Martin was allegedly attempting suicide.
  • Martin goes to collage

    Martin goes to collage
    Martin Luther King Jr. when to high school where he was known to be a precocious student. Martin skipped both 9th and 11th grade. Just at the age 15 in1944 Martin entered Morehouse Collage in Atlanta. Even though Martin was a son, grandson, and great grandson of Baptist ministers he did not intend to follow in the family foot steps. But the president of the Morehouse convinced him otherwise. Martin was ordained before graduating.
  • Martin graduated collage

    Martin graduated collage
    In 1948 Martin graduates from Morehouse Collage. Martin earned a degree in sociology. Then he when to the liberal Crozer Theological Seminary in Chester, Pennsylvania. Martin thrived in all of his studies he did there. Martin was also the valedictorian of his class in 1951. Then he was elected for student body president.
  • Martin goes to jail

    Martin goes to jail
    On October 19th, 1960 Martin and 75 other students went to the local department store and asked for lunch counter service but were not given any. Martin and 36 other students wouldnt leave so they all got arrested. The mayor realized that this would hurt the city's reputation so all the charges were droped.
  • Martin's " I Have A Dream" speech

    Martin's " I Have A  Dream" speech
    " I Have A Dream speech"On August 28 Martin marched to Washington to make his famous 'I Have A Dream Speech". Martin lead more then 200,000 people in the shadow of the Lincoln Memorial. Martin then spoke his beliefs that " my four will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character".
  • Martin Luther King Jr. gets the Noble Peace prize

    Martin Luther King Jr. gets the Noble Peace prize
    In 1964 the civil rights act was authorized by the federal government. The civil rights acr was authorized to enforce desegregation of public accommodations and to outlaw discrimination in publicly owned facilities. So this lead to Martin receiving the Noble Peace price. Martin Luther King Jr. is also the youngest man to receive a Noble Peace prize at the age of 35.
  • The March

    The March
    On March 7th a civil rights march was planned from Selma to Alabama's captil, Montgomery. The march turned violent when the police met the people in the march with nightsticks and tear gas. Martin however was not in the firsst march. There was a second march planned but was cancelled due to restraining orders. When the third one was planned Martin made sure that he was in the march.
  • The assassination

    The assassination
    Marin Luther King Jr. gets shot On April 4th Martin was at a motel in Memphis where he was standing on his balcony where her got shot. In the wake of his death riots broke out in major cities in the country. President Johnson decleared a day of mourning for the death of Martin Luther King Jr.
  • The Killer

    The Killer
    The shooter was James Earl Ray. James was a former convict. James was finally arrested after two months of an international manhunt. In 1969 James pleaded guilty to killing Martin Luther King Jr. . James was sentenced to 99 years in prison. James died 29 years later in prison on April 23, 1989