Martin Luther King

By efkost
  • M.L.King was born in Atlanta,Georgia.

  • His grandmother died.

  • He entered Morehouse College in Atlanta.

  • Degree

    Martin Luther King Jr. earned a sociology degree
  • He married Coretta Scott.

  • Pastor

    King became pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church of Montgomery, Alabama.
  • He completed his Ph.D.

  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    He was the leader of the Montgomery Bus Boycott which lasted for 382 days.
  • Southern Christian Leadership Conference

    King and others founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference to organize the power of black churches.
  • Gandhi

    Martin Luther King visited Gandhi's birthplace in India.
  • Birmingham,

    Martin Luther King Jr. organized a demonstration in downtown Alabama.He was jailed with a lot of his supporters.
  • Historic March on Washington

    King made his famous "I Have a Dream" speech, emphasizing his belief that someday all men could be brothers
  • King received the Nobel Peace Prize.

  • Assassination

    While standing on a balcony outside his room at the Lorraine Motel, Martin Luther King was killed by James Earl Ray.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day

    President Reagan passed a law creating Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a federal holiday honoring the legacy of this great leader.