
Martin Luther

  • Nov 10, 1483

    The birth of Martin Luther

    The birth of Martin Luther
    He was born in a wealthy family as his father was a copper-miner, in Saxony, Germany.
  • Period: Nov 10, 1483 to Feb 18, 1546

    Martin Luther's life

  • May 19, 1505

    Law Education

    From 1501-1505, he studied law as his father wished.
  • Jul 2, 1505

    A Promise with God

    A Promise with God
    One night in a violent thunderstorm, he was frightened by the flash of lightnong, he called out: " If you help me now, St Anne, I will become a monk."
  • Jul 17, 1505

    Became an Augustinian monk

    He left his education and entered an Augustinian friary in Erfurt
  • May 16, 1508

    Became Professor to teach Bible ar Wittenberg

    Luther was appointed Professor of Theology at this Augustinain Monastery at Wittenberg, in the fall of 1508. He was to teach throughout the rest of his life.
  • Nov 16, 1510

    A trip to Rome

    A trip to Rome
    He went to Rome with great enthusiasm but retured very disappointed with the life-style of the pope and clergy in Rome.
  • May 16, 1513

    Became a priest at Wittenberg's church

    At age 30 (in 1513), he also became priest off-campus at Wittenberg's city church.
  • May 16, 1517

    The public of Ninety-Five Theses

    The public of Ninety-Five Theses
    After the arrival of Johann Tetzel, the indulgence-seller, near Wittenberg, Martin decided to state his criticism of the Catholic Church and indulgences. He nailed the "Ninety-Five Theses" on the church door at Wittenberg, which made the Pope was furious.
  • May 16, 1519

    A debate with a theologian John Eck

    The debate went through 18 days. Finally, Luther agreed that he was a heretic, but he would not recant his ideas.
  • Jun 15, 1520

    He burned the papal statement

    He burned the papal statement
    The Pope, Leo X, sent him the papal statement that if Luther did not recant within two months, he would be excommunicated. Luther got really angry and burned it in front of his followers.
  • May 4, 1521

    He was kidnapped by the ruler of Saxony

    He was kidnapped by the ruler of Saxony
    He was kidnapped by the prince named Frederick, who hid him at an isolated castle of Wartburg. Stayed for 9 months, during that time, he translated the Bible into German.
  • May 25, 1521

    Diet of Worms, the safe conduct was offered to Luther

    Diet of Worms, the safe conduct was offered to Luther
    The holy Roman Emperor, Charles V of Spain, came to Germany for Luther's case. At the Diet in the city of Worms, he offered Luther a safe conduct to present his case to him. This means Luther was in great danger.
  • May 16, 1525

    Lutheranism was firmly established

    Luther's condemnation of the rebels made his beliefs more popular with German princes. Then, German devided into Protestant and Catholic areas.
  • Jun 13, 1525

    Married with a former nun

    Married with a former nun
    He married Katherine von Bora, a former nun. He was 41 and she was 21. Next 9 months, she brought him 9 children.
  • Feb 18, 1546

    The death of Martin Luther

    The death of Martin Luther
    He died during a visit to Eisleben, the home of his birth, at the age of 62.