
By 234134
  • first computer procseccsor

    The first working CPU was delivered to Busicom in February, 1971. It was called "Microcomputer on a chip
  • 1972

    intel relased a prosessor
  • 1974

    This microprocessor was developed by Motorola. Its name proceed of the number of transistors that it contains.
  • 1974

    CPU of 32-bits, developed by Digital Equipment Corporation and installed in the MicroVAX II computers.
  • 1991

    Processors manufactured by AMD and compatible with the codes of Intel of that moment. Also called Intel clones. They even surpassed the clock frequency of the Intel processors and at a much lower price.
  • 2000

    Processor based on x86 architecture manufactured by Intel. It is the first Intel processor with a completely new design.
  • 2004

    t presents a memory controller in the integrated circuit itself that give it a better performance than the previous Athlon.
  • 2006

    This processor consists of two cores, it can run several demanding applications simultaneously.
  • 2011

    Sandy Bridge processors are a very remarkable evolution on the previous Nehalem and Westmere, with a number of changes at a technical level but maintaining its name: Intel Core i3, i5 and i7, being low, medium and high range respectively