Marriage Equality

  • University of Minnesota students applied for a marriage License

    He denied the application, because the applicants were both men. Baker and McConnell sued Nelson, claiming Minnesota law on marriage made no mention of gender. The trial court was not impressed with the argument, agreeing with Nelson.
  • Denmark legally recognise same-sex marraige

  • Two same- sex marriages were performed

    At the Metropolitan Community Church of Toronto in Ontario, Canada. Although registration of the marriages was initially denied, a successful court challenge upheld their legality on 10 June 2003, thus retroactively making them the first legal same-sex marriages in modern times.
  • President of Portugal signs a same-sex marriage into law

  • Argentina signs a same-sex marriage bill into law

  • Washington signs a same-sex marriage bill

  • Sate of Delaware sings a same sex marriage bill into law

  • Same-sex marriage begins in Finland