Both of Dr. Ponzos parents did not recieve college degrees. His mother was an executive secretary and his father was a plant manager for General Motors -
first begins playing trumpet in school
Begins Music Degree
Starts Music education, performance, and special education degree at Crane School of Music Potsdam, new York -
Graduates Crane School of Music
Graduates from Crane School of Music with a bachelors degree in music education, a performers crtificate, and a special education certifict. -
Begins Masters
Begins msters of music in performance at Syracuse University -
Graduates Syracuse
Graduates from Syracuse University with a Masters of Music Performance degree -
Mexico City Philharmonic
Mexico City Philharmonic, Co-Principle Trumpet – 1981-1982 -
Elgin Symphony
Elgin Symphony (regular substitute) – 1992 to present -
Director of Bands
Baldwinsville Central Schools - 1983-1989. -
Begins Doctorate
Begins Doctoral Music degree in Performance and Literature at Eastman Music Conservatory Under ther study of Barbra Butler -
Rochester Philharmonic
Rochester Philharmonic, Fourth Trumpet – 1988-1999 -
Out reach
Dr. Ponzo is an extremely active teacher. Aside from his twenty two students at NIU he also teachers over twenty private students from his home in Elgin. On top of all of these lessons Dr. Ponzo is actively performing approximately forty recitals a semester across the midwest. He has several published technique books and three recordings. -
Through out Dr. Ponzos undergrad and post grad career he made his primary goal to continually grow as a musician so that he develop a strong high school music program. His current goals are to continue teaching young trumpet students and help them develop while developing and becoming a stronger player -
Graduates from Eastman
Graduates from Eastman with a Doctoral degree in music performance and literature. -
Begins Teaching at NIU
Takes job as Classical Trumpet Studio Proffessor. He still Holds this position -
New Sousa Band
2001 to present -
Dr. Ponzo's primary teachers were/are John Hagstrom, Barbara Butler, Charles Schlueter, George Coble, and Richard Jones. He believes that his teachers did a good job of preparing him for his success. If he was not prepared for something he openly admits it was due to his own ego during his undergraduate degree. -
Dr. Ponzo is a very honest man. He will tell you exactly what he thinks about your playing skills, to some this may be taken the wrong way. The way i see it is he never sugar coats my faults. In music the difference between being great and just another musician comes down to the finest of details. He helps you grow quickly by being tough and always letting you know when your slacking. He truely believes anyone can become great as long as they are willing to put in the time..... -
beliefs cont..
He is a great motivator and mentor. When i decided to go into music i had a free lesson with him when i visited. He told me on that day that i would not be accepted into the school if i didnt start working really hard and that he thought i had a lot of potential. He made room for me to take private lessons and helped me grow significantly become coming her. He is the reason i am here today.