Period: to
Mariner Program
Mariner 1 Takes Off
On July 22nd, 1962 Mariner 1 launched into space to take close up pictures of Venus. Sadly the first Mariner space probe got destroyed becasue of range saftey. -
Mariner 2 Launches
On August 27th 1962, Mariner 2 lauches into space. Mariner 2 was the first successful space probe to flyby another planet. This was a backup for Mariner 1. -
Mariner 3
On November 5th 1964 Mariner 3 failed to launch. This was caused by a flyby. -
Mariner 4
On November 28th 1964, Mariner 4 lauched into space. After a 228 day cruize, the Mariner 4 orbited Mars on July 14th 1965. This was the first Mariner space probe to take up close pictures of Mars. -
Mariner 5
On June 14th 1967 Mariner 5 launched into space. This space porbe flew by Venus on October 19th 1967 successfuly. -
Mariner 6
Ten days before the actualy launching of the Mariner 6, a faulty switch occured. With the repair of that, they Mariner 6 was a Mars flyby and returned with 75 pictures. -
Mariner 7
Mariner 7 was launched 31 days after Mariner 6. Again it was a Mars flyby and came back with more than 120 photos of the Martain surface. -
Mariner 9
Mariner 9 was the first space probe to orbit another planet. It came back with 7329 images of the whole planet of Mars. The faliure of Mariner 8 made Mariner 9 combine the objectives that Mariner 8 wanted to do. -
Mariner 10
Mariner 10 was the first space probe to fly to Mercury. Mariner 10 took over 4000 close up images of the planet. -
Mariner 11 and 12
They are hopefully planning to make a Mariner 11 and 12