Birth Date
Marina Ida was born in 1999. -
Period: to
Marina Ida's Timeline
Marina Ida from Splatoon 2. -
Elementary Training
Enrolled in the elementary training program at Slimeskin Garrison. -
Skipped multiple grades. Took only advanced courses. Graduated. -
Becomes member of Flooder design team. -
Slimeskin Garrison
Joined Slimeskin Garrison. Specialised in improving Great Octoweapons. -
Waasabi Supply Unit
Assigned to DJ Octavio's wasabi supply unit. Earned multiple commendations. -
Disappeared after coming within audible range of Calamari Inkantation. -
Off The Hook
After being found by her new friend Pearl, they started creating songs and ended up being presentors for the popular show Off The Hook.