Marilyn Monroe Project Progress

  • 4 Question Free Write

    4 questions free write about heroes
  • Period: to

    Marilyn Monroe Hero Project Span

    The last day of the Hero's project. DUE DATE.
  • First Chapter Friday (John McCain)

    First Chapter Friday (John McCain)
    We read a chapter from John McCain's book "Why Courage Matters" and watched the video about the war hero, Roy Benividez.
  • Kristi Quillen Interview

    Watched a few minutes of Kristi Quillen's interview about the Peace Corps, but had a bad weather drill for the rest of the period.
  • Hero's Project Lecture

    Mr.s Allen took this class period to talk about the project as a whole and talked about our class schedule for the rest of the six weeks.
  • Substitute

    We had a substitute today, and stayed in the classroom instead of the library. We worked on the "Who is a "hero"? What does a hero do?" packet with our groups and discussed each selection.
  • Library Day 1

    Library Day 1
    Spent the entire period in the library, and made accounts for Timetoast,posterous, and goodreads, Since we can't turn this in on Edmodo, or posterous, I did the assignment that was due on January 10th, 2012 and set my settings ot private and added Mrs.Allen as a member. I also found, and checked out the book "My sister Marilyn" by Bernice Baker Miracle and Mona Rae Miracle. I think Mrs.Allen will approve of the book, since it is 238 pages long.
  • Library Day 2

    Forgot my book, so im bringing it next week. I never really considered Marilyn my first pick for a hero, especially considering some of her notorious fame such as "being a dumb blonde", but after doing some research, I realized that she is just a normal human being that was looking for a place she belonged. Some of the facts i learned about her made me want to defend her and show that if anything, she had it worse than normal people.

    Thought a little bit about how I'm going to form the paragraph due thursday, and what im going to write in it,
  • "Change the World Powerpoint"

    "Change the World Powerpoint"
    Looked throught this power point that had a list of people that we had to classify together. This was used to guide us for out first post due this thursday. I think Marilyn Monroe is an ARTIST that set the bar for furture movie stars, This also changed my definition of a hero into someone that is able to do something that affects others in a positive way,
  • Change the World Powerpoint Day 2

    Change the World Powerpoint Day 2
    In class, we watched a few videos and discussed them in our groups. I also wrote a few notes about the videos on the paper titled "John Mayers". After today, I realized that kindness is a chain reaction. I also realized that the world is looking for change, but how can we bring about a change if there are others thinking like us, and don't want or try to be the change they want to see.
  • Change the World Powerpoint Day 3

    Change the World Powerpoint Day 3
    Today, we looked at a few videos in the powerpoint and answered a few response questions. There was one specific video called " We are the People we've been Waiting for," which is a video about the problems in the world, but shows that the solution is to get educated. I agree that getting educated will make you aware of things you've never noticed and it will help you see the world differently and make you want to be the change,
  • Work Day

    We just checked our vocabulary, and we had the rest of class to read or research our hero. I lookeded for information about marilyn on the cinco ranch library resources and found a few. This weekend, I'm going to figure out how to cite the resources and read out of the book too.
  • Interview audio/video Help

    Mrs. Wade came into class today and explained the options we have for out audio or video interview for our project. I decided I would do audio, and im still searching for someone to interview. So far, I just finished one paragraph of the second post due this Thursday. I also found the resources that I am going to use. I'll have to cite these later in the week. I also started reading into the book i checked out for the first chapter friday class activity.
  • Poetry Day 1 / Vocab. Quiz

    We had the chapter 9 and 10 vocabulary quiz, and the conselors came to talk to us about our course selection. After the quiz, we had to read the poem "Root Cellar" by Theodore Roethke and do DIDLS on it.
  • Poetry Day 2

    Looked back at the poem from yesterday and took notes on the correct way to analyze a poem for meaning, theme and tone. We went back over "Root Cellar" and worked on the analysis paper. Today, I also finished and printed my second post and finished looking through my book for information about Marilyn Monroe.
  • Poetry Practice Quiz

    We spend most of the time in class going over the poem we got, and took the practice quiz over it the last 15 minutes of class. Mrs. Allen also said that the First Chapter Friday assignment isn't due until Monday.
  • Free Day

    The first chapter friday thing is due monday. I spent the class period reading out of my book, and picked out the section im using for monday. At home, I typed it up and printed it, Im still not sure who im going to interview for my project.
  • Share from your Book

    Share from your Book
    We shared a passage from our books today. Still not sure who im doing for my interview, but im thinking about doing the theatre teacher.
  • New Poem

    Annotated a new poem today. Im going to interview the theatre teacher either friday or monday after school. Working on the questions to ask , and almost done reading my biography.
  • New Poem Day 2

    Annotated the new poem more, and finished my biography. Almost done with the interview questions! Learned that the interview submitted must be the most interesting part of it, and all the planned questions must be printed and turned in.
  • Poetry Quiz

    Took the poetry quiz, and learned how their format is and what to look for in poems. Finished reading the biography and did the citations for all of my sources.
  • Timetoast Due

    Post link to edmodo for timetoast