
Marie Schrader's Color Scheme in Season 5 of Breaking Bad

  • Episode 3: Hazard Pay

    Episode 3: Hazard Pay
    Marie's color scheme is purple throughout almost the entire series. Only in season 5 do we see a change. The first time we see Marie in season 5 is episode 3. The purple she wears is symbolic of her uninvolvement in the meth business. It represents safety.
  • Episode 4: Fifty-One

    Episode 4: Fifty-One
    Marie dressed in purple again after Skylar's pool scene.
  • Episode 5: Dead Freight

    Episode 5: Dead Freight
    Marie wears purple in this scene, but she also has some yellow in her color scheme. The yellow is representative of the meth business (Walt and Jesse wear yellow when they cook) and danger/caution.
  • Episode 6: Buyout

    Episode 6: Buyout
    Marie also wears purple as a contrast to her sister, who is typically seen in neutral/white or black.
  • Episode 8: Gliding Over All

    Episode 8: Gliding Over All
    Marie is in purple and yellow here. The yellow is significant because it is symbolic of the danger that will come from Hank's realization later in the episode.
  • Episode 8: Gliding Over All

    Episode 8: Gliding Over All
    This is the first time we see Marie in stricly yellow in all of season 5. It's highly significant because Hank realizes Walt is Heisenberg in this scene. Yellow represents danger and the meth business.
  • Episode 9: Blood Money

    Episode 9: Blood Money
    Marie wears purple and yellow in episode 9 as a symbol of the Schrader's lack of involvement in the business, but also their knowledge of Walt's business.
  • Episode 10: Buried

    Episode 10: Buried
    Again Marie's color scheme serves as a contrast to her sister, who is dressed in a neutral/white color scheme.
  • Episode 10: Buried

    Episode 10: Buried
    This scene is crucial in illustrating how Marie's color scheme represents safety. Here Marie tries to take Holly from Skylar so that she will be safe from Walt.
  • Episode 11: Confessions

    Episode 11: Confessions
    Marie's black color scheme is symbolic of the darkness and death that she is now aware of - and the darkness and death that will come in the future - especially when she and Hank watch Walt's blackmail video.
  • Episode 11: Confessions

    Episode 11: Confessions
    Marie wears purple and black here to show the transition from the safety and ignorance before to her knowledge of Walt and Skylar's business.
  • Episode 11: Confessions

    Episode 11: Confessions
    Marie wears black when she and Hank go to meet with the Whites. She has transitioned to an entirely black color scheme, which is what she will wear throughout almost the rest of the series.
  • Episode 12: Rabid Dog

    Episode 12: Rabid Dog
    Marie wears black as she goes to speak to her psychiatrist Dave. She's "involved" now in the darkness through her knowledge of Walt's business.
  • Episode 12: Rabid Dog

    Episode 12: Rabid Dog
    Marie is in black here while she talks to Jesse Pinkman, although her shoes are purple. The purple is a reminder to Jesse that the Schrader home is safe.
  • Episode 13: To'hajiilee

    Episode 13: To'hajiilee
    Marie dressed in black signifies Hank's impending death, which will come in the next episode.
  • Episode 14: Ozymandias

    Episode 14: Ozymandias
    Marie is still in her black color scheme. In episode 14, it has some of the most significance because Hank is killed in this episode and the full extent of the destruction Walt has caused becomes known.
  • Episode 16: Felina

    Episode 16: Felina
    Marie is not in episode 15, but in this flashback to the pilot episode from the series finale, Marie can be seen wearing black again. It is like she is in mourning for Hank's death before he has died.
  • Episode 16: Felina

    Episode 16: Felina
    This is our last image of Marie in the entire series. She is wearing white, which is outside of her typical color scheme. The white represents The White family, which has been destroyed, as well as Marie's innocence.