
Marie Antoinette

  • Date of Birth

    Date of Birth
    Marie is born November 2, 1755.
  • Russians occupy and burn Berlin

    Russians occupy and burn Berlin
    Russians and Austrians teamed up to invade Prussia, taking over the land and gaining benefits from it. This is a significant part of the Seven Years' War. This war was a major one on Europe at the time. Source:
  • Seven Year's War: Russian Army takes Prussian fortress

    Seven Year's War: Russian Army takes Prussian fortress
    Russians take Prussia's main force and come closer to ending the Seven Year's War, a huge event that affected most of Europe in its time. Source:
  • Treaty of Paris ends the French-Indian War

    Treaty of Paris ends the French-Indian War
    Canada goes to England and the war between the French and Indians and the British comes to a close. This war was fought between the side of the Indians and the French against the British. It was over territory in the "new" world of North America. The British were known as redcoats, and they were attempting to take over land from those who rightfully owned it. This war ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris. Source:
  • A transit of Venus is followed by a total solar eclipse

    A transit of Venus is followed by a total solar eclipse
    The transit is followed only five hours later by a total solar eclipse, and this is the shortest such interval in history to date. It was a great scientific occurance, and influenced future outer-space, or astronomical science studies. Source:
  • Boston Massacre occurs

    Boston Massacre occurs
    Five colonial people are killed in a crowd in Boston by British soldiers as they strike up a fight, and this is known famously as the Boston Massacre. This symbolized the power the British held, and how little care they held for the America people. They took things out of control. Source:
  • Married Louis-Auguste

    Married Louis-Auguste
    Marie is married to Louis-Auguste, sealing the arranged marriage, offering benefits to Austria and France, who are now allies. Marie will become queen of France. Source: Magill 918
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Boston Radicals dump many boxes of tea into the Boston Harbor, as an act of protest. This causes the British to establish the Intolerable Acts. The Americans have to pay for all the tea and face the hardships as a consequence. Source:
  • Crowned Queen of France

    Crowned Queen of France
    Marie is crowned Queen of France, give her power and access to luxury. She doesn't use the role well, and she quickly becomes unpopular with the public. Marie's institution as queen of France begins the monarchy's slow decline. Source: Plain 10 Source: Plain 10
  • First child born

    First child born
    Marie and Louis' first child, Marie Therese Charlotte, is born. Eventually, she was the Dauphine of France. A boy would have been prefered, as Marie-Antoinette even told her upon her birth. Marie Therese was growing up in the time of the growing French Revolution. Source: Plain 10
  • First son born

    First son born
    Marie and Louis' first son is born, Louis Joseph. He was the dauphin of France, though not as significant as other children. Source: Plain 10
  • Bastille falls

    Bastille falls
    The Bastille falls, and the decline of the French royal family begins, removing Louis and Marie from the throne and placing France in jeopardy. Source: Plain 10
  • France declares war on Austria

    France declares war on Austria
    After France declares war on Austria, all alliances are cut off. Marie could in no way make some sort of effort to escape punishment from the French people using her Austrian connections. This would have been vital to her evasion of execution.
  • Royal family imprisoned

    Royal family imprisoned
    The royal family is imprisoned, leaving the country with no clear ruler and in a state of chaos. The French Revolution is in full swing as the public realize they have power. The monarchy has fallen. Source: Burgoin + Byers 258
  • Marie's husband is executed

    Marie's husband is executed
    King Louis is executed, leaving Marie alone to try and devise an escape plan. This fails, and she is taken to court. There, she is declared guilty of several atrocious charges. Source: Magill 919
  • Marie Antoinette dies

    Marie Antoinette dies
    Marie dies at age 38 by execution. Her last words were an apology to the executioner after she stepped on his foot.