Marcos Timeline

By gleyzen
  • Marcos elected President

    Marcos elected President
    Ferdinand Marcos was elected the first democratic president of the Philippines. Citizens were hopeful of a new government and were ready for change. Marcos worked hand in hand with the US government to fight communism, but some critics say he was a puppet to the US.
  • Marcos Re-Election

    Marcos Re-Election
    Once Marcos was reelected, university students were protesting and pelting rocks at the President. This is because during his first term there was a lot of violence, he didn't listen to the people and there were citizens who think he didn't win fairly (bribes and fake votes). University students were also mad because they believed that Marcos was a puppet to the US as he would do anything for the US, like send filipino soldiers to fight for the Vietnam War
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    First Quarter Storm

    January 26th was when the Philippine Congress opened. Marcos was supposed to deliver his version of the State of the Nation because he was re-elected. But multiple student groups planned to deliver their version of the true state of the nation in a mass rally protesting against him.
  • Battle of Mendiola

    Battle of Mendiola
    The battle of Mendiola was caused by upset university students marching and protesting to the Malacañang Palace. The protests got out of hand when 4 student protester were killed by gunshots. After this incident more activist groups started to form and rebel against Marcos. This was the first sense of people power.
  • First Constitutional Convention

    First Constitutional Convention
    In June of 1971, Marcos held a Constitutional Convention. Marcos wanted to move from a presidential system (citizens vote for a president) to a parliamentary system (citizens vote for a political party and the party chooses a Prime Minister), so he could stay in power for longer. This proposal did not pass the constitutional convention.
  • Bombing in Plaza Miranda

    Bombing in Plaza Miranda
    The Plaza Miranda was bombed because of a political rally against Marcos. Liberal (the opposition) Senators are among the wounded. Opposition (the Liberal Party) won the sympathy of the people and 6 out of 8 seats in the Senate. Marcos suspended habeas corpus ( a law which says that a person can only be kept in prison following a court's decision) and arrested several activists without warrants. This lead to non stop protests.
  • Declaration of Martial Law

    Declaration of Martial Law
    Martial law on Sept. 23, but effective from Sept. 21. This made the Philippines no longer a democracy, but a dictatorship. Marcos' main power was the military. Anyone opposing Marcos were arrested, media outlets were taken over by the government. In the beginning of Martial Law people were happy = there was peace and order, more foreign investors and less crime.
    But soon people started to recognize that there were flaws = No justice, Human Rights Violations and political prisoners.
  • Arrest of Ninoy Aquino and Jose Diokno

    Arrest of Ninoy Aquino and Jose Diokno
    Aquino and Diokno were part of the first wave of arrests right after the declaration of Martial Law. Since opposing Marcos is now illegal, that was Marcos' excuse to arrest the Liberal Senators.
  • Marcos Constitution Ratified

    Marcos Constitution Ratified
    Marcos tried to make changes to stay in power in 1971 but his plans were rejected. He presented those amendments again in 1973 (with minor changes) and he was successful.
  • LABAN Party Founding

    LABAN Party Founding
    Under Martial Law Marcos agreed to hold a national election. He promised a free and honest election but some didn't believe him. To show resistance to the Marcos regime a new opposition party called LABAN was made and headed by Ninoy Aquino.
  • Noise Barrage

    Noise Barrage
    The night before the election day there was a noise barrage in Manila. People made loud noises using pots, honks, etc. in the streets as a form of protest. This was also to show their support for the LABAN Party candidates.
  • Ninoy Aquino Heart Attack - Sent to US

    Ninoy Aquino Heart Attack - Sent to US
    In 1980 Ninoy Aquino had a heart attack and Marcos allowed him to go to the U.S. for a heart bypass surgery. After a successful operation, Ninoy Aquino used most of his time in the U.S. to speak against the Marcos administration.
  • Marcos Elections (1981), Boycotted By Opposition

    Marcos Elections (1981), Boycotted By Opposition
    In 1981, Marcos held another fake election. This time the opposition boycotted the elections as a way of protesting. He ran against two insignificant candidates and ultimately won another 6 year term
  • Aquino Assassination

    Aquino Assassination
    Ninoy Aquino was assassinated as soon as he landed in the Philippines. Two million people joined Ninoy Aquino’s funeral. It triggered more Filipinos to fight for their rights. Ninoy Aquino became a symbol of the People Power Revolution
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    Confetti Revolution

    Businessmen now also joined protests against Marcos because they decided that development and democracy go together.
    Protests were held in Ayala Avenue, the center of the business district. This then became the center of protests and rallies. Many of the students who had taken part in the First Quarter Storm were now employees and executives and were taking part in the Confetti Revolution Yellow became the color of the People Power Revolution
  • Marcos Calls For Snap Election

    Marcos Calls For Snap Election
    Since his legitimacy was being questioned, Marcos called for Snap Election. The Opposition debated whether to boycott or participate in the election. They chose to participate and a petition was made calling Cory Aquino to run as president. One million people signed the petition
  • Ramos and Enrile Defect from Marcos

    Ramos and Enrile Defect from Marcos
    General Fidel V. Ramos and Defense Minister Juan Ponce Enrile, along with 500 men, defected (to leave your own country or group in order to go to or join an opposing one) from the military and showed their support for the opposition.
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    EDSA Uprising

    Through Radio Veritas, Cardinal Sin appealed to the people to help Ramos and Enrile by coming to EDSA to protect them from the armed forces.
    A wave of people came to EDSA to stop tanks and rebel troops sent to crush Enrile and Ramos. Not only Manila revolted but other regions around the Philippines also revolted. People Power was successful as one by one the military forces defected and went against the Marcos administration. The Marcos family was forced to flee from Malacañang Palace.
  • Marcos Family Flees Philippines

    Marcos Family Flees Philippines
    Marcos asked the US for help but they only gave him a plane which flew him and his family to Hawaii. The Marcoses had taken an abundance of expensive jewels and cash with them. The Aquino administration claims that this was only a small sum of Marcoses illegaly gained wealth. He died in Hawaii on September 28, 1989.