Marcos & Flor & Morgan

  • wifi

    invented NCR corporatiion
  • Cholera Outbreak in Peru

    Cholera Outbreak in Peru
    An outbreak of Cholera began as the first case was reported anb more an more cases followed
  • Mt Pinatubo Volcano Erupts

    Mt Pinatubo Volcano Erupts
    Mt. Pinatubo Made eruption on the island of Luzon, in the phillipines
  • Cloned Sheep

    Cloned Sheep
    Cloned sheep Dolly was born.Dolly was the first to be cloned from an adult cell
  • dvd player

    dvd player
    the first dvd player in the U.S was sony
  • Spacecraft Pathfinder

    Spacecraft Pathfinder
    Spacecraft Pathfinder lands on Mars
  • world waits for theory of Armageddon to happen

    world waits for theory of Armageddon to happen
    The world awaits the consequences of Y2K bug, with more anticipation of the theory warning og Armageddon
  • Korean Company makes MPman

    Korean Company makes MPman
    The KOrean Company invents the MPMan causing the end of the civilization of record companies, yet also is the beginning of a new world.
  • black berry pearl

    black berry pearl
    hand held email device size of a pager
  • Meteor lands in Canada

    Meteor lands in Canada
    ON JANUARY 18, 2000, an estimated 23-foot- (7-meter-) wide, 250-metric-ton meteor flew across the Canada sky. It exploded with an estimated 5 - 10 tons of tnt. Scientist were able to recover the remains of the meteor for the the first time fresh meteor pieaces were recovered.
  • North & South Korea sign Peace accord

    North & South Korea sign Peace accord
    Presidents of North and South Korea sign peace accord symbolically. Which ends a half century of antagonism.
  • 9/11 Attack

    9/11 Attack
    Terrosists, lead by Osama Bin Laden & Al Queda hijack a US airplane, and purposely crash into the NY trade center and pentagon.
  • Apple Company invents MP3

    Apple Company invents MP3
    The Apple Company publicly announces their portable musical digital player. iPod under codename Dulicmer
  • segway

    dean kamen inventor this invention made its debue on good morning america
  • It's found out that N. Korea is making nuclear bombs

    It's found out that N. Korea is making nuclear bombs
    North Korea admits to making nuclear bombs.
  • Brazil wins world cup

    Brazil wins world cup
    Brazil defeats Germany by two to zero in world cup.
  • Date Rape Spotter

    Date Rape Spotter
    Francisco Guerra invented the Date Rate Spotter in drinks, ever since people began using the "date rape" drug.
  • Java Log- Rod Sprules

    Java Log- Rod Sprules
    A log for your fireplace made from coffee grings by Rod Sprules.
  • Columbia shuttle explodes

    Columbia shuttle explodes
    The space shuttle, COLUMBIA, explodes, killing all seven atronauts.
  • Bush prepares to attach Iraq

    Bush prepares to attach Iraq
    Bush announces to attack Iraq without a UN mandate.
  • Aids Vaccine Fails to Prevent Infection

    A recent vaccine that was developed was thought to be able to stop the aids infection has failed
  • Facebook is Luanched

    Facebook is Luanched
    Facebook is launched at the University of Harvard
  • Bush propses more flights to outerspace

    Bush propses more flights to outerspace
    Bush announces to send space shuttles to Moon, Mars, and beyond.
  • George Bush reelected

    George Bush reelected
    George W. Bush is reelected, beating John Kerry.
  • Gay Marriage Legalized in one country.

    Gay Marriage Legalized in one country.
    In Massachusetts, Gay marriage is legalized for the first time in any country.
  • Rubber Bandits by Adrian Chernoff

    Rubber Bandits by Adrian Chernoff
    Adrian Chernoff created Rubber Bandits; which are oversized rubberbands with tear resistant water prood, They called it "idea czar"
  • Cancer no longer No.1 cause of death

    Cancer no longer No.1 cause of death
    Cancer is not the number one cause of death, heart disease takes it's place as number one for people ages 85 and under
  • Pope John Paul II dies

    Pope John Paul II dies
    Pope John Paul II dies, making Benedict XVI next pope.
  • 2,000 soldiers reported dead since Iraq war

    2,000 soldiers reported dead since Iraq war
    2,000 soldiers have died so far in war against Iraq.
  • android

    made by google
  • Landing On Mars

    Landing On Mars
    Phoenix Mars Lander Found Ice and Snowing on Mars.
  • obama becomes president

    obama becomes president
    americas first africain americain president
  • YouTube Invented

    YouTube Invented
    YouTube, an online video sharing and viewing community, was invented by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, Jarred Karim.