Period: to
Otto Von Bismark unifies Germany
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Military alliances form between Great Powers
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Franco-Prussian War
As a result France lost Alsace-Lorraine to Germany. -
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Germany declares itself as "satisfied power"
Germany's Bismark was satisfied with their territory so he started focussing more on maintaining peace. -
Dual Alliance Form
Geemany and Austria-Hungary join togeather forming the dual alliance. -
Period: to
Treaty between Germany and Russia.
This military treaty assuered that Russia would not ally with France but did not assure they would support each other during war. -
Triple Alliance forms
Italy joins the previous dual alliance -
Kaiser Wilhelm II starts his rule over Germany.
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Germany`s Policies Change Drastically
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Otto Von Bismark is forced to resign the power by Kaiser Wilhelm II
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Germany's Treaty with Russia ends.
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Military Alliance forms between France and Russia.
Period: to
Frédéric Passy exposes a common concern of society
As a part of his nobel "The Man and His Prizes" he talk abour his concern: " Rhe entire able-bodied population are preparing to massacre one another; though no one, it is true, wants to attack, and everybody protests his love of peace and determination to maintain it..." -
Period: to
The Triple Entente Vs. Triple Alliance
Two groups of nations form preparing for war. -
Triple entente forms.
in response to the Triple Alliance, Great Britain, France and Russia join forming the Triple Entente. -
Bosnia and Herzegovina is anexed to Austria-Hungary.
Period: to
All European Powers start forming great armies except Britain which focuses more on the navy. -
Franz Ferdindand and his wife Sophie are murdered.
The couple visited Sarajevo for their last time as a Serbian member of The Black-Hand shots the couple while they are in the streets in an open car. -
Austria Presented an ultimatum to Serbia
Austria declares war to Serbia