Great powers alliance
They had let to the creation of several military alliances with their growing rivalries and mutual mistrust. -
Dual alliance
Bismark goals were made. First he isolate France and he form an alliance between Germany and Austria-Hungary. Later, Italy joined the two countries, forming a triple alliance. -
Bismarck ally
Russian ally. -
Germany threaten
Germany´s policy changed dramatically. it´s ruler,Wilhelm II, wanted to gain his own power. He also let his nation´s treaty with Russia. -
Period: to
fear of alliances-Wilhem II
France and Russia allies in their armies. Wilhelm was afraid of this alliance because if he fight with any of them he would gain them as enemies. -
King Fredinand and his wife were killed. -
Excuse to punish Serbia
After the death of the royal pair, caused by a Serbian, Austria decided to use these murders to sue. -
it seemed easy!!
Serbia agree to comply with some of the demands and proposed to reach an agreement, but Austria did not want to negotiate. They ignore the proposal of Serbia and declared war. -
Great Powers
Great Powers had large armies, this mean they had a powerful military.