Charles Darwin 4 Major events

  • Charles Darwin First Scientific Speech

    Charles Darwin First Scientific Speech
    Darwin made 2 discoveries, he observed Cilia moving the larvae of species and discovery of black spores in oyster shells were eggs of a skate leech, but unfortunately Grant claimed both findings without giving Darwin credit. Darwin was extremely disappointed, after a year he was finally recognized for his efforts and discovery of new science History of Medicine. "Charles Robert Darwin (1809 - 1882) Part 1" Retrieved from:
  • Charles Darwin Voyage on the Beagle

    Charles Darwin Voyage on the Beagle
    At the age of 22, Darwin was presented an opportunity to travel on sea as a naturalist. Majority of Darwin’s time on the voyage on the Beagle was on land researching and exploring geology. During his 5-year journey, Darwin held many valuable notes of his observations and thoughts on animal and plant life. He collected 1,500 specimens during his time on the voyage. National Geographic. "Darwin's Voyage" Retrieved from:
  • Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species is Published

    Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species is Published
    The publication in 1859 of Charles Darwin’s "On the Origin of Species", explanation of the theory of evolution. Theory stated there are more individuals of each species are born than can survive; causing recurring struggle for their existence. Darwin secretly developed his theory during two decades, concerned of other scientists and their theories. History, Editors. "Charles Darwin’s "Origin of Species is published" Retrieved from:
  • Charles Darwin received an Honorary Doctorate of Law from Cambridge University

    Charles Darwin received an Honorary Doctorate of Law from Cambridge University
    Darwin was awarded an honorary Doctorate of Laws by The University of Cambridge, this was one of the proudest moments. This was vital for Darwin through all his efforts and discoveries, he was acknowledge and respected among the world. He opened free thought and complex life that is held within this world, he died a few years later on April 19, 1882, leaving a legacy and astonishing knowledge. Weinstein, Helen. "Timeline of Darwin's Life"