Outdoor learning space

Mapping Out Implementation-STEAM Outdoor Learning Space

By AKedu
  • Outdoor Learning Space

    Outdoor Learning Space
    The push for STEAM has increased over the years. My school has had talks of creating a STEAM outdoor learning classroom, to be used for STEAM activities. Creating an outdoor space will will provide an alternative space for students to be more involved in their learning.
  • Survey

    We will begin with a survey to determine if a space like this is needed and if it will be utilized. We need to determine if teachers will be on board with this new space and not have it go to waste.
  • Logistics

    We need to determine the space available to execute this plan. We need connect with DO to determine what limitations there might be in planning this space.
  • Budget & Grants

    Budget & Grants
    We need to determine what money would fall under this category of planning. We need to investigate if there are any grants available for implementing STEAM related instruction.
  • Team Development

    Team Development
    Next we will need to develop a STEAM team. We will need to train teachers in the possible uses for this outdoor learning space. We need to discuss the benefits and why now, is a good time for this space.
  • Introduce to Stakeholders

    Introduce to Stakeholders
    At this point we want our stakeholders to know of our plans to implement our new outdoor learning environment.
  • Design Process

    Design Process
    Here is where we become detail oriented. We will have our design team decide the best placement for our specific areas. Our Teacher team will help determine what tools will be needed, such as, stools, white boards, tech hook ups and screens
  • Ground Breaking

    Ground Breaking
    The building begins. Here is where we build the hype for this new space. We will send out updates constantly and provide tours to get the stakeholders excited.
  • Preparation

    Our teacher team will go over all areas of the outdoor area. There is space for instruction, there is a garden and many paths to take to get to the different 'classroom' spaces. The teachers will do there final touches before the grand opening.
  • Grand Opening

    Grand Opening
    We have a ribbon cutting ceremony with prominent figures of the community. We invite a few classes to model what the area can be used for. Our STEAM Outdoor Learning Center