Hand drawn maps
Hand drawn maps were used for quite some time but were not all the way accurate or you couldnt tell when it was a cloudy day -
Radar maping
Radar was used on cloudy days and when pictures from planes were unatainable -
Satalitle images
The largest step in map makeing used for quite some time and these maps were very accurate. -
Eos maping
Earth observeing system did not use precision maps but showed the earths processes such as air to land or land to water. The picture is the depth of an area of land when hurricane katrina hit -
Global positioning system is a standard tool for the military . GPS lets people determine speed, postion, and time anywhere in the world. -
Geopraphic informations systems is a computer system the stores, assembles, minipualte, and display data identifyed by data. Unparalleled in usefullness