Missionaries set out to "civilise" Maoris using the Bible
Period: to
Major events in education
Treaty of Waitangi
Missionaries set up Boarding schools over next 20 years
Maori language banned from schools for the next 40 years
Native Schools Act offered state Maori schools to communities
Taha Maori introduced into a range of schools
Shift towards bi-culturalism starts
First Te Kohanga Reo opened in Wellington
Hoani Waititi Marae Kohanga Reo set up a primary school
Six Kuru Kaupapa schools established
10 point plan for Maori education removed barriers to achievement
NZ Curriculum Framework and Te Whare Wananga establisheed
Total immersion concepts,Te Reo Maori, Pangarau & Putaiao introduced
Maori educational strategy