E13 644

Mao Zedong Timeline

By blakeC1
  • Victory in the Civil War

    Victory in the Civil War
    The Chinese civli war in China fought between forces loyal to the government of the republic of Chia led by the Huomintang and forces of the communist Party of China.
  • Period: to

    Mao Establishes Soviet Republic of China

    Mao and his group established Soviet Republic of China in mountains of Jiangzi- "Red Terror"- Communists torture and murder thousands of local people.
  • Period: to

    Long March

    Long March Further InformationLong March saved Mao Zedong and the Communist Party from the attacks by the Guomingdang. The Long MArch came about when the Chinese Communists had to flee a concerted Guomingdang attacked that had been ordered by Chiang Kai-shek.
  • Mao Launches "rectification of conduct" campaign.

    Mao Launches "rectification of conduct" campaign.
    Mao launches "rectification of conduct" Campaign, Zhen Feng, to purge other CPC leaders.
  • The Little Red Book

    The Little Red Book
    This book was published from 1964 to about 1976. A book of selected statements from speeches and writings from Mao Zedong. Organized according to important themes like unity, discipline, communist etc.
  • Cultural Revolution Timelines (1966-1978)

    Cultural Revolution Timelines (1966-1978)
    Mao launched the "Cultural Revolution" in order to reassert this power and authority over the Chinese government. He brought together the nations youth to get rid of elements of the Chinese society that he felt were taking into the wrong direction.
  • National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger Visits Beijing

    National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger Visits Beijing
    Henry Kissinger secretly visited Beijing during a trip to Pakistan and he laid the groundwork for Nixon's visit to China.
  • Richard Nixon Meets Mao Zedong in Beijing

    Richard Nixon Meets Mao Zedong in Beijing
    Richard Nixon Travels to Beijing, Hangzhou, and Shanghai. When he first arrived in China, Chairman Mao summoned him. This was the only meeting between Mao Zedong and Richard Nixon during the whole week he was in China.
    Results- Three objectives of Nixon's visit to China were:
    1. Try and get the Chinese people to agree to the peaceful settlement of Taiwan.
    2. Peaceful settlement of the Vietnam War.
    3. Try to lessen to effect of communist influence on the Chinese government.