
By aj4isu
  • Samuel Slater

    Samuel Slater
    Built the first factory in America.
  • Eli Whitney

    Eli Whitney
    Invents the cotton gin.
  • Oliver Evans

    Oliver Evans
    Developed a high-pressure steam engine that was adaptable to a variety of purposes.
  • Industrial Revolution begins

    Industrial Revolution begins
    Coal power and machine production change the world.
  • 1st American Steam Locomotive Completed

    1st American Steam Locomotive Completed
    The “Tom Thumb” raced a horse-drawn cart to prove the superior power of steam engines.
  • Elias Howe

    Elias Howe
    Patents the sewing machine.
  • Thomas Edison

    Thomas Edison
    Created the lightbulb as well as electricity.
  • American Federation of Labor is formed

    American Federation of Labor is formed
    Proved to be a benchmark for the American working class.
  • U.S. steel is formed

    U.S. steel is formed
    J.P. Morgan merged the steel empire built by Andrew Carnegie’s Steel with the Federal Steel Company and National Steel Company.
  • First Car Manufactured in the U.S.

    First Car Manufactured in the U.S.
    The Model T is made by Henry Ford.
  • Henry Ford

    Henry Ford
    Invented the first automobile and founded Ford.
  • First Moving Assembly Line

    First Moving Assembly Line
    Ford assembles the 1st moving assembly line.
  • America goes to war

    America goes to war
    Charge was led by the country’s massive manufacturing industry.
  • Jet Engine Developed

    Jet Engine Developed
    A group of engineers, known as the “Hush-Hush Boys” worked non-stop for 10 months straight to create the first jet engine.
  • International Organization for Standardization founded

    International Organization for Standardization founded
    ISO is founded to develop international standards for business and technology.
  • First CAD Software Created

    First CAD Software Created
    The digital computer was used in 1953 to automatically coordinate transforms to compute radar related vectors and graphic mathematical process of forming a shape with a digital machine tool.
  • Chips are developed

    Chips are developed
    The introduction of integrated circuits allowed a higher level of processing.
  • Industrial Robots Created

    Industrial Robots Created
    ABB Robotics and KUKA Robotics introduce industrial robots to the European market and they are quickly adopted in the US.
  • Peak of American Manufacturing

    Peak of American Manufacturing
    Employment in the American manufacturing industry peaked in the U.S.
  • Smart Camera is developed

    Smart Camera is developed
    Character, date, and code verification performed by cameras begin development.
  • First PC Introduced

    First PC Introduced
    Original version and progenitor of the IBM PC compatible hardware platform, IBM model number 5150.
  • 3D printing comes of age

    3D printing comes of age
    3D systems developed the stereo lithographic apparatus (SLA).
  • U.S. Manufacturing Enterprise Integration Act of 2002

    U.S. Manufacturing Enterprise Integration Act of 2002
    Enacted to develop the foundations for a Smart Manufacturing infrastructure and approach.
  • First iPhone Released by Apple

    First iPhone Released by Apple
    Introduced by Steve Jobs as a touch-screen phone.
  • Rise of Robotics in Manufacturing

    Rise of Robotics in Manufacturing
    With the ability to combine technology with gestures, a whole new era of automation in manufacturing begins.