
  • First controlled airplane takes flight

    Orville and Wilbur Wright, more commonly referred to as the “Wright Brothers” were two American pioneering inventors who achieved the first airplane flight ever on December 17, 1903.
  • Ford installs first moving assembly line

    Henry Ford created the first moving assembly line for the mass production of automobiles. The moving assembly line reduced the time it took to build a car more than 12 hours to two hours and 30 minutes
  • First 100 percent solar powered house

    Maria Telkes invented the thermoelectric power generator to provide heat for Dover house, first solar heated house.
  • Discovery of LED Lighting

    Nick Holonyack, invented the first visible light LED.
  • IAC’s helps boost efficiency for small and medium manufacturers

    Industrial assessment centers were created by the department of commerce in 1976 and later moved to the new department of energy.
  • Department of energy was founded

    President Jimmy Carter signed the department of energy organization act of 1977
  • The Rise of 3D printing

    Chuck Hull of 3D systems invented the first 3D printing technology in early 1980’s.
  • Robotics use increases in manufacturing

    Although the first industrial robot designed by George devil in 1954, robotics use has become more advanced and sophisticated in the 21st century
  • NNMI was created

  • Oral and amo reveal 3D printed Shelby Cobra

  • ORNL produces the worlds largest solid 3D-Printed object

  • IAC’s adapt to aid Puerto Rico recovery

  • DOE recognizes first u.s. 50001 ready facility

  • Oak ridge national laboratory debuts 3D printed podium

  • DOE announces $70M for cyber security institute