Manufacturing 1900-Present

  • JP Morgan founds US-Steel becomes a very rich man.

  • Period: to

    Theodore Roosevelt was president

  • Period: to

    William Howard Taft was president

  • Henry Ford invented the assembly line

  • Period: to

    Woodrow Wilson was president

  • Period: to

    Franklin D. Roosevelt was president

  • FLSA is signed into law by Franklin D. Roosevelt

  • American enters World War II

  • 1950’s

    CAD merges computers and manufacturing
  • Period: to

    John F. Kennedy was president

  • 1970

    OSHA is enacted
  • 1981

    IMB unveils the first personal computer for homes abs offices.
  • 1992

    3D printing is first starting to be used.
  • 2002

    Enterprise integration act. It laid the ground work for the era of smart manufacturing that drives this sector today. It authorized the sprawling National Institute of Standards and Technology.
  • 2019

    Robotics and automation are taking over the manufacturing industry by storm replacing jobs that are east to do that robots can do faster and more precise.