Manifest Destiny

  • Compromise of 1820

    Missouri petitions Congress to be added as a slave state. There were 11 free states and 11 slave states. Maine would be added as a Free state and Missouri would be a Slave state causing a Line between them.
  • Texas- Lone Star Republic

    As the US moved Westward,Mexico wins its Independence from Spain. The Mexican Dictator restricted the rights of No slaves and had to change there religion to Catholicism.
  • Texas Revolution

    Many Texans were protesting and slave owners. As a result, Santa Anna ordered all illegal immigrants to leave. Soon Sam Houston pushed the Texans to declare their independence from Mexico.
  • Mexican and American War

    Mexico withdraws diplomatic ties over border disputes. Mexico and the US argue over what their borders should be. To settle the issue, Polk begins to push Congress for a Declaration of war.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo

    California wanted to join the U.S. as a free state, Missouri Compermise did not apply to this territory.
  • Miners

    Thousands of immigrants and US citizens will pour into California to search for gold
  • Fugitive Slave Law of 1850

    All Slaves who escaped to the North in a free state has to be returned back to there master. Slaves are not consider free just because they escaped to a free state.
  • Compromise of 1850

    California was added as a free state. Each territory would now have to vote on the issue of slavery.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    Nebraska Territory was divided into two territories: Kansas and Nebraska. Instead of them following the Missouri compromise, Each of the territory would vote on the issue of slavery.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Kansas votes to be a slave state. During the election Border Ruffians from Missouri crossed the state line and voted the election illegally and soon violence broke out between the two groups of Pro-slavery and Anti-slavery.
  • Lincolns Views

    He didn't believe in perfect equality between blacks and whites. Slavery was a moral,social,and political wrong. Nation could not survive if it remained divided by slavery.
  • State Rights

    Many Southerners were fighting for a self-government and believed that the Federal government was fighting against laws. They believed states should have the rights to protect their way of life, which meant slavery. They believed Lincoln was a threat to this practice.
  • Violence in the Senate

    Arguing over what to do about Kansas, Charles Sumner verbally attacked the South. Preston Brooks walks into the senate chamber and beats Sumner repeatedly. Many of the Southerners applauded and showered Brooks with new canes.
  • Causes of the War

    Lincoln won the election with 40% of a popular vote. South Carolina seceded as a result of Lincoln's election on December 20 1860, they felt that Lincoln would destroy Slavery in the US. They nominated Jefferson Davis as their President.
  • Causes of the War

    Followed by Alabama,Mississippi,Florida,Georgia,,Louisiana, and Texas. Jefferson Davis was nominated as president of the Confederate States of America.