Einstein Writes to Roosevelt
Albert Einstein writes letter to President Roosevelt on chain reactions and the possibilitiy of future, powerful bombs. This leads to the creation of ther Commitee of Uranium -
World War Two begins
Roosevelt approves the developmemt of an atomic weapon
Manhattan Project is created
Roosevelt authroizes the Manhattan Enginerering District with the Purpose of developing an Atomic Weapon. -
Oppenheimer becomes the scientific dirrector of the project
Japan becomes primary target of any future atomic bomb.
Target cities are selected
The Target Committee selects Hiroshima, Niigata, Kyoto, and Kokura as the targets. -
War ends in Europe
Trinity Test
The first nuclear weapon is detonated in Almogordo, Mexico. -
Potsdam Decleration is issued
This calls for the unconditional surrender of Japan. Japan rejects this decleration, leading to furhter events. -
Little Boy Detonation
The " Little Boy" bomb is dettonated above Hiroshima, killing an estimated 90000 people instantly. -
Fat Man Deatonation
The original target had been Kokura, but poor weather led to the target being changed to Nagasaki. -
Japan announces it's formal surrender