Ghana started doing a process called silent barter to make sure that trade was safe. -
Jan 1, 800
Ghana gains a lot of power and most trade routes now pass through Ghana. They create special taxes for traders who pass through. -
Jan 1, 1060
Almoravids invade Ghana and weakens the empire. They bring animals and overgraze the lands which exposed the rich soil to the hot desert winds. Rebellion sprang up because the people knew that the empire was weakened. -
Jan 1, 1230
Sundiata conquered nearby kingdoms including Ghana as a child. He also improved agriculture and introduces cotton. -
Jan 1, 1312
Mansa Musa rules Mali and adds many new trade cities including Timbuktu. -
Jan 1, 1324
Mansa Musa left Mali to travel on Hajj. He spread Mali's fame and introduced Islam to Mali. -
Jan 1, 1400
Mali had conquered Songhai but they have weakened and they rebelled against Mali. They grew richer from trading and they expanded. -
Jan 1, 1464
Sunni Ali took control of Songhai. He conquered some land and encouraged harmony and teamwork. -
Jan 1, 1492
Sunni Ali dies and his son takes over. People fear that he doesn't believe in Islam and their trade with Muslim areas would stop. So the people rebelled. The leader of this rebellion was Muhammad Ture. He became known as Askia the Great.