Malakie B Space Timeline

  • Apollo 1

    Apollo 1
    The mission never flew the cabin caught fire during a launch rehearsal test at Cape Kennedy Air Force Station Launch Complex 34 on January 27 killed all three crew members—Command Pilot Gus Grissom, Senior Pilot Ed White, and Pilot Roger B. Chaffee Command Pilot Gus Grissom, Senior Pilot Ed White, and Pilot Roger B.
  • First animal in space by USA

    First animal in space by USA
    Enos became the first chimpanzee to orbit the Earth. He flew on NASA's Mercury-Atlas 5 MA-5 mission,
  • Sputnik I

    Sputnik I
    The first artificial satellite to orbit Earth Yuri Gagarin was the first man.
  • Laika first animal in space.

    Laika first animal in space.
    The first living creature to be shot into space and orbit Earth. Laika was a stray dog found on the streets of Moscow.
  • Explorer 1

    Explorer 1
    Explorer 1 was the first satellite launched by the US and it discovered the radiation belts which circle the Earth.
  • Creation of NASA

    Creation of NASA
    President Eisenhower signed the National Aeronautics and Space Act.
  • First man in space by USSR

    First man in space by USSR
    Yuri Alekseyevich from the Soviet Union was the first human in space. His vehicle, Vostok 1 circled Earth at a speed of 27,400 kilometers per hour with the flight lasting 108 minutes. Vostok reentry was controlled by a computer
  • First man in space by USA

    First man in space by USA
    Just 23 days after Yuri Gagarin of the Soviet Union became the first person in space, NASA launched astronaut Alan Shepard aboard the Freedom 7 capsule powered by a Redstone booster to become the first American in space The pilot was Alan shepard.
  • First man to orbit earth by USA

    First man to orbit earth by USA
    John H. Glenn is the first American to orbit the Earth during the three-orbit Mercury-Atlas 6 mission,
  • JFK's speech and commitment to getting to the moon

    JFK's speech and commitment to getting to the moon
    We choose to go to the Moon", officially titled the Address at Rice University on the Nation's Space Effort.
  • First man to do an EVA by USS

    First man to do an EVA by USS
    Alexei Leonov, who spent 12 minutes and 9 seconds outside the Voskhod 2 spacecraft.
  • First man to do an EVA by USA

    First man to do an EVA by USA
    The American to perform an “extra-vehicular activity”EVA), or spacewalk. On June 3, 1965, White opened the hatch of his Gemini 4 spacecraft and pulled himself out into space. It was less than three months after Russian cosmonaut Alexei Leonov's
  • Gemini missions

    Gemini missions
    Gemini had four main goals to test an astronaut's ability to fly long duration missions and make bridges between the Mercury and Apollo programs .