making the modern world

  • Beginning of first Industrial Revolution

    The industrial revolution was an era in time where machinery started being introduced to England, which enhanced the speed they were manufactured at, and the quality of these products. Steam engines were one of the most significant inventions in this time, as it helped power other machines to produce things.
  • First Europeans at Adventure Bay

    Abel Tasman came very close to landing in 1642, but rough storms prevented him from setting foot. At the time Abel Tasman named the bay, Storm Bay. Then 131 years later, Captain Tobias Furneaux was in charge when the HMS Adventure sailed into the bay, and became the first people to set foot in the bay. The name Adventure Bay comes from the name of the ship, HMS Adventure.
  • End of Napoleonic Wars

    The end of the Napoleonic Wars was very significant to modern history as it was the first major shift in power in a very long time. The French ruled the world for a long time, until they finally suffered defeat to England in 1815. Napoleon was ruling France after the French Revolution in 1799.
  • Stringybark Creek

    Policemen set out to kill the Kelly Gang. Ned and his brothers caught two of the policemen, McIntyre and Lonigan, and held them up. Ned promised not to hurt them but Scanlan fired a shot at Ned and was shot in return. Kennedy took cover behind a tree but was shot by Ned also. Ned kept his promise to McIntyre though, letting him escape unharmed on horse.
  • The Boxer Rebellion

    A secret organisation led an uprising in northern China. The people were referred to as boxers because they performed physically activities that they thought would be able to help them withstand bullets. They killed all foreigners and Chinese Christians.
  • Battle of Beersheba

    the battle of Beersheba was when the Australian Light Horse, an army of people on horses. It was so significant to win this battle because Beersheba had lots of water, and had supplies always going there. They jumped the Turkish trenches, or went around and headed straight for the city to take over.