
Making of the Modern World 12

  • Period: 753 BCE to 509 BCE

    Monarchical Period (Kings)

    end at rape of Lucretia by Brutus
  • Period: 509 BCE to 27 BCE

    Roman Republic

    "SPQR" - The Senate and The Roman People; the sum up of the political existence for Rome.
    Republican Ideal of a shared government
    patricians: privileged legal status determined at birth
    plebeians: commoners
    Senator must be wealthy and own property and has served 10 years in military
    2 consuls, Senate and Assembly
    Senate: A political assembly whose members were mainly rich landowners
  • Period: 265 BCE to 146 BCE

    Punic Wars (Rome vs. Carthage)

    Control of Sicily, Trade
    Unintentional Roman Expansion
  • 221 BCE

    China is Unified Under Qin Dynasty

  • Period: 206 BCE to 25

    Han Dynasty (West)

  • 114 BCE

    Han Government Gains Control Over Silk Road Trade Routes Across Central Asia

  • 44 BCE

    Assassination of Julius Caesar

  • Period: 44 BCE to 31 BCE

    Roman Civil War

  • Period: 27 BCE to 395

    Roman Empire (West)

  • Period: 27 BCE to 1453

    Roman Empire (East)

  • Period: 27 BCE to 14

    Emperor Augustus

    "circus and bread"
    i. patriotism - support regime, serve in the army
    ii. piety - state religion, may keep own religion, but must attend festivals
    iii. family - marry & have sons, outlawed divorce, must have children
  • Period: 3 BCE to 29

    Jesus Christ' Life

  • Period: 5 to 33


  • Period: 25 to 220

    Han Empire (East)

  • Period: 50 to 240

    Kushan Empire

    ran the gandara region
    arts, language
    many different languages and goods exchanged
    became Buddhists and spread Buddhism into central Asia and China
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    Chinese Invention of Paper

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    Buddhism Begins Rapid Growth in China

  • Period: 235 to 284

    3rd Century Roman Crisis

    1. Barbarian Invasion from Outside
    2. Rebellions From Inside (Syria, Egypt, Roman Generals that became warlords, Christian communities that rejected Roman Authority)
    3. Economic Trouble: Military Expenses
  • Period: 272 to 337

    Emperor Constantine

    converted to Christianity in 312 A.D.
    first Christian Emperor of Rome
    legalized Christianity
    assembled the Council of Nicaea to define orthodoxy due to many disagreements; Nicene Creed
  • 313

    Emperor Constantine issues Edict of Milan

    allows the practice of all religions in the Roman Empire
  • Period: 319 to 605

    Gupta/ "Classical Hinduism"

  • Period: 320 to 480

    The Gupta Centuries

    -modeled after the Mauryan Empire
    -exacted construction and upkeep of roads, wells and irrigation systems
    -governorship: distant areas were designated governors
    -gupta kings were patrons of the arts
    -religion: Hindu but respected all faiths
    -Buddhist monasteries flourished
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    Beginnings of Mahayana Buddhism

    "Hinayana" (lesser vehicle) - original teachings of the Buddha
    "Mahayana" (greater vehicle) - Buddha is seen at least semi-divine
    Mahayana Buddhism = syncretic
    Syncretism: successful religions tend to incorporate (reinterpret) ideas, images and practices from other religions
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    Emperor Theodosius makes Christianity the official religion of the Empire