Making a plan

  • Period: to

    Making a plan

  • Thinking of a plan

    To make a plan there are a lot of steps to go through to make sure the plan you are coming up with is effective and will work.
  • Making sure it’s specific

    Make sure the plan you make is very specific and you have a clear guide of what you want to do so that the plan goes smoothly. (IBook Pg 4)
  • Plan should be measurable

    Make sure the goals you set are actually fair and that you can make a frame that you can see how much progress is needed to get to it. (IBook pg’s 4-5)
  • Is it Attainable

    Don’t just make a goal that is completely impossible like saying tomorrow you are going to be a millionaire. Instead you should say in the next years I’m gonna try to grow my business and make more money. (IBook pg 5
  • Realistic

    Make sure the goal is realistic and not some fairytale goal. You can’t just say oh I’m gonna be the fastest person in the world by tomorrow but in reality you will have to take years of training to even get close. (IBook pg 5)
  • It it timely

    Make sure you set a time set for yourself because if you don’t you might just never really think oh I have to do that now. But if you set a time frame there will be a sense of urgency since you know you have to get it done by this date. (IBook pg 5)