Making A Murderer

  • Kathleen Zelner Offers $100K Reward For Finding Real Killer

    The attorney representing Steven Avery, the man who was found guilty of killing Teresa Halbach in 2005, has announced a substantial reward for the discovery of Halbach's "real killer," according to a press release. The funding was provided by a concerned citizen, for the "arrest and conviction of the real killer of Teresa Halbach."
  • Potential Confession By An Inmate

    Kathleen Zellner, the attorney for Mr. Avery, said she received a handwritten note of a confession but said it was worthless unless it can be corroborated.
  • Brendan Dassey Seeks Clemency

    Brendan Dassey seeks clemency from the Governor based on a confession they say was coerced and the ineffective counsel he had early in the case.
  • Kim Kardashian Uses Her Influence To Advocate For Brendan Dassey

    Kim Kardashian has asked the Governor to grant clemency for Mr. Dassey as well using her influence and passion for prison reform.
  • Brendan Dassey Petition

    Mr. Dassey while asking for clemency, submitted a petition signed by thousands of people as well as a letter submitted by his lawyers signed by hundreds of national legal and psychological experts, former police officials and prosecutors and clemency experts in support of him.
  • Steven Avery Appeals

    Mr. Avery's attorney files a 32,000 word brief asking the Wisconsin Appeals court to grant Avery a new trial or evidentiary hearing in the Teresa Halbach murder case. This is after Sheboygan County Circuit Court Judge Angela Sutkiewicz denied Avery a new trial.
  • Brendan Dassey Denied Clemency

    The governor's pardon advisory board said Mr. Dassey was ineligible for a pardon and that the governor would not consider any commutations. Mr. Dassey was ineligible to be considered for a pardon because it had not been at least five years since he completed his sentence; and he had not registered as a sex offender, as he was required to do.
  • Steven Avery's Attitude Is Upbeat And Full Of Hope On Appeal

    Steven Avery isn't giving up hope in his possible future as a free man. The Making a Murderer subject is holding onto optimism in 2020, according to his lawyer Kathleen Zellner. Following a conversation with her client, Zellner revealed that Avery was in high spirits at the end of the year in a tweet shared on Tuesday. "Talked to Steven Avery yesterday & he is upbeat, optimistic & full of hope that he will win his appeal," she wrote. "Like every innocent person giving up is never an option."
  • Brendan Dassey Next Step Working Directly With The Governor On Commutation

    The governor denied clemency but his lawyers are fighting for him to consider commutation. Laura Nirider, his lawyer said the governor "does have the power to issue commutations under the Wisconsin Constitution and should do so when, as here, courts fail to deliver justice," she explained.
  • State Gets More Time to Respond To Mr. Avery's Appeal

    Wisconsin has been granted more time to respond to Steven Avery's appeal. Court records show that the state now has until March 27 to file its brief on the case.