Making A Murderer

  • Making A Murderer

    Making A Murderer
    Avery, through Zellner, filed a motion to appeal based on a collection of possible human bones, which was said to be in the possession of the Wisconsin Department of Justice. When Zellner filed a motion to have the bones tested for DNA, she found the bones had been returned to Teresa Halbach's family. According to the state, they had never been tested for DNA
  • Making A Murderer

    Making A Murderer
    The true crime world is abuzz with news from Steven Avery’s defense attorney that the Wisconsin Court of Appeals has granted his motion to supplement the record with evidence that bones found in a gravel pit were turned over to the Teresa Halbach's family without DNA testing performed on them, in violation of federal and state law.
  • Making A Murderer

    Making A Murderer
    Avery won his right to present new evidence via appeal in February, and his lawyer, Kathleen Zellner, filed a 42-page brief on Tuesday with all of the arguments as to why Avery should have a new trial.
  • Making A Murderer

    Kathleen Zellner announces $100K reward for arrest, conviction of 'real' Halbach killer
  • Making A Murderer

    Making A Murderer
    An unnamed Wisconsin inmate confessed to the murder of Teresa Halbach. Rech, who was able to get the confession on tape and submitted the evidence to investigators and the attorneys for Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey, thought the whole ordeal was “very strange.”
  • Making A Murderer

    Making A Murderer
    Attorney for Steven Avery challenges credibility of purported confessor to 'Making a Murderer' homicide. Now, Evans is circulating another letter, this time claiming he alone killed Teresa Halbach. Evans sent a copy of his letter to Avery's world-famous exoneration lawyer, Kathleen Zellner, of Downers Grove, Illinois.
  • Making A Murderer

    Making A Murderer
    Steven Avery's attorney filed a 150-page appellate brief to the Wisconsin Court of Appeals, arguing the circuit court "abused its discretion" in denying Avery’s recent motions, including a motion to have evidence in his case undergo new scientific testing and his motions for post-conviction relief
  • Making A Murderer

    Making A Murderer
    State granted more time to respond to Avery's request for new trial
  • Making A Murderer

    Making A Murderer
    A federal judge last month refused to dismiss a lawsuit brought by Lt. Andrew Colborn against Netflix who created the docuseries "Making a Murderer." The docuseries cast doubt on the motives of police investigating Halbach's death and left viewers with the impression that Avery and Dassey were wrongfully convicted. Colborn's lawsuit claims the docuseries defamed him and "falsely led viewers to the inescapable conclusion" that Colborn and police planted evidence to frame Avery for the murder.
  • Making A Murderer

    Making A Murderer
    Wisconsin has been granted more time to respond to Steven Avery's appeal. Court records show that the state now has until March 27 to file its brief on the case.