Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) founded
-civil rights-rights that protect someones freedom
-activists and a group of kids- founded CORE
-CORE spread across the north and to the south at a moderate pace -
Dodgers hire Jakie Robinson
-color line is a barrier that separates whites from nonwhites
-Jakie Robinson and the Dodgers- break the color line
-Robinson took the field in 1947 -
Executive Order 9981
-segregation- grouping people by race/belief
-President Truman signs this Executive Order
-Executive Order 9981 ends armed forces segregation -
Advocates for Black Nationalism
-Nation of Islam- a religious group that wanted complete separation between blacks and whites
-Malcom X-human rights activist also known as malcom little
-Malcom and the Nation of Islam tried getting complete separation from the whites
-Malcom became the groups best preacher -
Brown v. Board of Education Ruling
-thurgood marshall-the NAACP's attorney
-Parents and kids-fought to go to the closest school
-This case lasted a year and a half in the supreme court -
Montgomery Bus Boycott
-Boycott- to not do something for a purpose
-Rosa Parks- a woman who refused to give up her seat on the bus
-Martin Luther King Jr. and other african americans- refused to use public transportation
-the boycott lasted 381 days -
Integration of Central High School
-Little Rock Nine- the first nine african american students to attend a white school
-Nine AA students and white students- the white students protested against the african americans being there
-it took two years for school integration to continue -
First Lunch Counter Sit-in
-Jim Crow Laws- laws enforcing racial segregation in the south
-Sit-ins-a protest where people sat down in a public place and didn't move
-Four AA students-sat in a public restaurant until they closed
-Nashville was the first major city to integrate public areas because of the sit-ins -
Freedom Rides
-Civil Disobedience- nonviolent way to protest
-SNCC- an organization formed to make nonviolent protests
-7 blacks and 6 whites-rode buses into segregated areas to protest
-in Alabama many of the riders were abused and beaten -
Birmingham Campaign: Letter from a Birmingham Jail
-SCLC-Formed by Martin Luther King Jr. to achieve goals with nonviolence
-Martin Luther King Jr.-wrote a letter explaining why they used nonviolence ways to achieve their goals
-1,000 children marched and many of them ended up getting arrested -
March on Washington
-NAACP- an organization to work on the advancements for colored people
-Many people marched for freedom and jobs
-Known as the largest political gathering in the US -
Civil Rights Act of 1964
-Plessy v. Ferguson- case that stated that black and white places could be separate but they had to be equal
-President Lyndon B. Johnson kept trying to pass the civil rights act and it finally passed
-the bill was signed on July 2nd 1964 -
Voting Rights Act of 1965
-disenfranchise-not give someone the right to vote
-Africans americans couldn't vote until the act was passed
-there were 2.1 million more voters in 4 years -
Watts Riot
-Kerner Commission-concluded that racism was the cause of Watts Riot
-ghettos-only people to a certain ethnic group live in these areas
-Africans Americans got mad about racial discrimination and started rioting
-34 people died during this 6 day riot -
Black Panther Party Founded
-Black Power-a slogan used by AA in the US
-AA influenced by Malcom X were ready to take violent actions
-the black panthers offered medical clinics and breakfast -
Civil Rights Act of 1968
-Discrimination-leaving people out of something
-Blacks were denied to be able to buy houses that they liked
-the civil rights act banned discrimination on financial and housing stuff -
Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenberg Board of Education
-Desegregation-ending racial segregation
-Supreme Court case about integrating schools
-kids were moved from schools to create racial balanced schools -
Regents of the University of California vs. Bakke
-Affirmative action-a policy favoring people who have suffered from discrimination
-Supreme court ruling that said race could be a factor of school admission
-started after a white man was declined the spot at a school