Major World War 2 events

  • Hitler Becomes Chancellor

  • Neutrality Act

    President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs the 1937 Neutrality Act, which bans travel on belligerent ships, forbids the arming of American merchant ships trading with belligerents, and issues an arms embargo with warring nations.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    German troops invade Poland on the ground while Hitler's air force bombs Polish cities from the sky.
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    World War 2

  • Germany takes neutral land

    Germany takes neutral Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Holland, and Luxembourg
  • Pearl Harbor

    In the first major Allied offensive, British and U.S. armies attack Germany's Africa Korps on the Mediterranean chasing forces back toward Libya.
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    Japanese internment

    Executive Order 9066 made the Japanese-Americans go into Internment camps
  • North African Theatre

    In the first major Allied offensive, British and U.S. armies attack Germany's Africa Korps on the Mediterranean chasing forces back toward Libya.
  • D-Day

    an airborne assault landing of 24,000 British, US and Canadian airborne troops shortly after midnight, and an amphibious landing of Allied infantry and armoured divisions
  • Hitler commits suicide

    Shot himself in the head in Berlin
  • Germany surrenders

    The German Army signs an unconditional surrender
  • The Pacific theatre

    One of the major Theatres between the U.S. and the Japanese.
  • Hiroshima

    The Little boy was dropped on Hiroshima
  • Nagasaki

    Fat Man Dropped on Nagasaki
  • World War 2 ends

    The Fromal Surrender of Japan on the U.S. Batlle ship Missouri
  • Creation of Israel