The wireless Mouse
The exact date isn't known but in 1991 there was an advancement off of the traditional mouse with a cord. The wireless mouse was controlled by batteries and worked the same as a traditional mouse. This is significant to me because when working on a laptop using a wireless mouse allows me to work and controll the computer more effectively. -
The First Webcam
The first webcam was useed in 1991 and it was used to watch a coffee pot. This event is significant to me because webcam allows me to talk to my friends and family and be able to see them. It is very convinient because being able to talk to then face to face allows me to feel that they aren't that far away. -
Smart board's alliance with Intel Corportaion.
Although I am unsure of the exact date and month, in 1992 SMART gained and alliance with Intle Corporation and this allowed SMART Boards to have access to more programs. This is significant to me because SMART Boards have changes the way that I have learned. They are interactive and allow the student to be involved with the lesson. -
The first GPS
GPS technoloy allows travel to become easier. With GPS technology you are able to find out so much such as where the nearstest gas station/ rest stop is. It tells you the routes you need to go to get to your destination. This is significant to me because it tells you alternative routes to get to your destination faster. -
Invention of DVDs
The exact date in unknown but in May of 1995 Sony and Phillips came up with the idea of Digital Video Disks. This was an advancement off of VHS videos. This is significant to me because watching DVDs is much easier than watching VHS videos. You are able to do scene selection and look at special features from the people who made the movie. -
The release of Windows 95
Windows 95 was released by Microsoft. This was a faster way to work. This was such a success from the begining with sales of 7 million copies in little over a month. This was a major break in the technology world and has helped me because with this advance we were able to advance again and now today have Windows 2010 which is much faster and has many helpful tools. -
Kodak DC20 Digital Camer
The date and month of this advancement is unknown but in 1996 Kodak had developed a camera, Kodak DC20, that was small enough to fit inside your pocket known Along with this came many new features such as drop in cartridge, mid-roll change, and three picture formats to choose from. This is significant to me because having my camera with me is very important. I enjoy being able to take pictures and document my life. It's very convinient to have it small enough to fit in my pocket or my purse. -
The First Ipod
This was the date of the release of the the very first ipod. This was a major advnace being able to carry around your music in a much smaller compact way. This was an invention that has effected me because it was an efficient and more compact way of carrying around my music. -
Release of Facebook
On this date Facebook was released and has now become one of the biggiest social networks. This is significant to me because this allows me to keep in contact with my family member and friends. I am able to see pictures, send messages, and keep up with my family around the world. -
The DS Lite
On January 26 2006 the DS Lite came out from Nintendo. This was a smaller version of the featured DS. It was less bulky and was much easier to handle. This is significant to me because I remember for one year for my birthday all I wanted was a pink DS Lite. It was convinient to bring on the road and play and keep me occupied for hours at a time. -
http://www.google.com/imgres?num=10&hl=en&safe=active&biw=1024&bih=726&tbm=isch&tbnid=44qdBopTNIrBVM:&imgrefurl=http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/apple/7987673/Apple-iPod-a-history-in-pictures.html&docid=NSyuU5Bh_yP1 -
http://prsync.com/facebook/ -
http://www.google.com/imgres?q=kodak+dc20+digital+camera&num=10&hl=en&safe=active&tbm=isch&tbnid=m8c1oKMwkPScoM:&imgrefurl=http://thedigitalstory.com/2008/10/found-treasure---kod.html&docid=j8rwrkjbQzF1jM&imgurl=http://www.thedigitalstory.com/blog//kodak_dc20_web.jpg&w=386&h=282&ei=f9tPUOXvL66K0QGw34GYCw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=574&sig=112077955853257314569&page=1&tbnh=174&tbnw=227&start=0&ndsp=12&ved=1t: -
http://www.google.com/imgres?hl=en&biw=1024&bih=555&tbm=isch&tbnid=TMLJ399w5ie9SM:&imgrefurl=htt -