Img 0781

Final Project: Woods II

  • Period: to

    Major Project Timeline

  • Minor Project: Shelf

    Minor Project: Shelf
    Final paint and assembly on Wednesday.
  • Start Point: Bench

    Start Point: Bench
    Began to cut and form basic parts of the bench.
  • Current Progress

    Current Progress
    Progress since beginning the project. Most boards are cut to rough size, while a few are cut to final size. Work needed to be done includes preparing the boards for final assembly: joints, angles, cuts, sanding, etc. Then putting it together. Why I Chose This Project:
  • Progress As of 4/28/2015

    Progress As of 4/28/2015
    Frame is coming together. Need to fit slats in and sand. Assembly comes last.
  • Finished!

    Final assembly and sanding. Moved project to the front porch.
  • Final

  • Final

  • Plugs

    Plugs fit snug and look great.
  • Mortise and Tennons

    Mortise and Tennons
    Joints fit snug and square.
  • Back Slats

    Back Slats
    Although we had some trouble with this part of assembly, the back slats fit nice, with some wiggle room. It is very comfortable to sit on.