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Major North Korean Military Tests

  • Period: to

    Major Tests to Date (12/4/17) Photos of Nuclear Tests Are on Land Comparison

  • Underground Nuclear Test

    Underground Nuclear Test
    This was the North Koreans first nuclear test and showed the world it had actually accomplished a nuclear test. It was conducted 1,020ft (310m) underground at Punggye-ri test site. It's yield was estimated at .7 - 1.4 kt. This test is to believed to be a nuclear "fizzle", or when a nuclear weapon fails from, not constructed correctly, improper design, or lack of expertise. Even with its low yield its still a major improvement from conventional explosives.
  • Underground Nuclear Test

    Underground Nuclear Test
    On their second test, the yield increased to around 5kt. The test was conducted 1,610 (490m) at the Punggye-Ri test site. The increase in yield since its previous test almost 3 years before seemed to be no threat to society, but the threat of future advancements was an issue. This test was believed to be smaller than predicted due to a new design of the bomb, which couldn't release a larger output.
  • Underground Nuclear Test

    Underground Nuclear Test
    The third nuclear test was also an improvement from the last. It was detonated 3,300ft (1,000m) below ground at the Punggye-Ri test site. The yield was estimated to be 12-16 kt, which was a big leap for North Korea, as now the bombs have actual potential. These weapons now have the power to destroy cities, but the North have no methods to deliver the weapon.
  • Underground Nuclear Test

    Underground Nuclear Test
    Their fourth test was claimed to be a Hydrogen bomb which had an estimated yield of 10kt. Thermonuclear bombs start with the same fission reaction that powers atomic bombs, but the majority of the uranium or plutonium in atomic bombs actually goes unused. In a thermonuclear bomb, an additional step means that more of the bomb's explosive power becomes available. The Hydrogen bomb was also detonated at Punggye-Ri test site at a depth of 3,300ft (1,000m)
  • Underground Nuclear Test

    Underground Nuclear Test
    The fifth test was also a hydrogen bomb, but was also claimed to be the size of a warhead. This allowed the bomb to be fitted to ballistic missiles putting many countries in range of a nuclear strike. The yield was also its largest yet having an estimated 25kt. For comparison, the largest bomb dropped on Japan during WW2 was 'The Fat Man' at 22kt. The bomb was detonated at Punggye-Ri test site at a depth of 3,300ft (1,000m).
  • Hwasong - 14 Ballistic Missile Launch

    Hwasong - 14 Ballistic Missile Launch
    The Hwasong 14 was North Korea's first ICBM. It was launched from Panghyon Aircraft Factory launched straight up going about 1,500 miles into space with an in flight time of 37 minutes crashing down in Japan's Exclusive Economic zone. It's believed to have a range of about 5,000mi (about 8,046km) and can deliver a nuclear warhead with a weight of 1,102lbs or (500kg). This puts Alaska, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington and California in range of a North Korean ICBM.
  • Hwasong - 14 Ballistic Missile Launch

    Hwasong - 14 Ballistic Missile Launch
    North Korea's second ICBM test. It was launched from Chagang Province and has no publicly released flight data. This test was deemed as a calculation for re-entry, as many people in Japan's northernmost island Hokkaido reported seeing parts of it break up upon its decent. The US analyzed the data and estimated the Hwasong - 14 can reach majority of the East coast, but experts aren't sure if a dummy warhead was attached, resulting in different ranges.
  • Underground Nuclear Test

    Underground Nuclear Test
    North Korea's sixth test was unprecedented for the country. The hydrogen bomb was detonated at the Punggye-Ri test site and had an estimate of 250kt. This was such a large explosion it measured a magnitude 6.4 tremor in China and South Korea. A bomb with this yield can level the city of Las Angeles in less than 10 seconds after detonation. The rogue state also claimed the thermonuclear device can fit onto a ballistic missile.
  • Hwasong - 15 Ballistic Missile Test

    Hwasong - 15 Ballistic Missile Test
    The third ICBM to be launched from North Korea's Pyongsong was a new designed missile that also had a "ultra heavy warhead" quoted by the regime. This missile however did mark a milestone in their missile programme as it flew over 2,500 miles with an inflight time of 53 minutes, both a new record for the country. The missile flew 10x higher than the International Space Station (250mi). With this new ICBM, North Korea can strike the US with a nuclear attack in 30 minutes or less.