Major Legal Actions with Social Media from 1996-Present

  • United States V. Hambrick

    United States V. Hambrick
    Police officer saw in a chat room that an older man convinced a 14 year old boy to leave his home in New Hampshire to come live with the older man that went by the name “Blowuinva”
  • Mark Zuckerburg, the creator of Facebook was sued for $65 million for accusations of stealing the idea of Facebook

    Mark Zuckerburg, the creator of Facebook was sued for $65 million for accusations of stealing the idea of Facebook
    He was sued by his former identical twins friends named Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss. The twins claimed that they alleged with former Divya Narendra had a verbal agreement with Zuckerberg to create programming for their Harvard Connections site. Zukerberg later created a rival social media site that we now know today as Facebook.
  • Social Media Shutdown Attempt

    Social Media Shutdown Attempt
    Egypt's uprising organization through social media sites puts pressures on countries in the Middle East and North Africa to shut down the sites due to its ability to allow protest movements being organized. Varying levels of success arose from these attempts.
  • United States V. Mereglido

    United States V. Mereglido
    Government applied a search warrant to access defendants Facebook account. They used a friend who was a witness to access the information and defendant claimed a Fourth amendment challenge. Government ruled that all fourth amendment privileges end when those who have access to information decide to disclose it.
  • Bland V. Roberts Court Ruling

    Bland V. Roberts Court Ruling
    Employees of local sheriff's office who supported the other candidate were later fired when the current sheriff was re-elected due to activity on Facebook.
  • Cambridge Analytica Facebook Hack

    Cambridge Analytica Facebook Hack
    Staring in the 2014 mid-term election, a British political consulting firm by the name of Cambridge Analytica began mining private information from Facebook to help better profile voters in the United States. Data was mined from over 50 million users without their permission. This company has been argued to play a huge role in the election of Donald Trump.
  • Facebook and Twitter sued for Terrorist Attacks

    Facebook and Twitter sued for Terrorist Attacks
    Families of those killed in terrorist attacks from Brussels, Paris and Israel are suing Facebook and Twitter for facilitating these attacks. They claim the platforms are failing to remove users that recruit and intimidate on the site.
  • Knight First Amendment Institute for Columbia University v. Trump

    Knight First Amendment Institute for Columbia University v. Trump
    Trump and staff block twitter users who disagreed with and criticized the president's statements on twitter. The judge ruled the President violated first amendment rights of the blocked user by participating in impermissible viewpoint discrimination.