Chinese Head Tax
The Chinese Head Tax was a tax where all Chinese immigrants had to pay tons of money to get into Canada. These prices were first at fifty dollars which raised up in the end of five-hundred dollars. This was apart of The Immigration Act of 1885. -
The Naturalization Act
The Naturalization Act was a more strict set of rules created in 1914 for immigrating to Canada. These statements were if an immigrant has been living in Canada for at least three years and haven't gotten into any trouble, they could go to court to obtain a Certificate of Naturalization. -
Komagata Maru Incident
The Komagata Maru Incident was a steamboat filled with over three-hundred people that were rejected from coming into Canada. They were rejected because of the Continuous Passage regulation, and sent back. -
Internment of Ukrainian Canadians
The Internment of Ukrainian Canadians first began in 1914 because of the World War I. Ukrainians were identified as "enemy aliens" and were forced into labor. This occurred because of the War Measurements Act. -
Internment of Italian Canadians
The Internment of Italian Canadians took place in WWII, where Italian Canadians and others would be thrown into camps. They were also referred to as "enemy aliens". -
Internment of Japanese Canadians
The Internment of Japanese Canadians began because of the Pearl Harbor attack in 1941. Japanese Canadians were swiped from their homes and put into internment camps. They were finally let go in 1949. -
Refugees being added as an immigration category
Refugees being added as an immigration category happened in June of 1969, Canada signed a document detailed to Refugees. It took force fifteen years later. -
The Immigration Act
The Immigration Act was passed in 1976, this was later replaced in 2002 with the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. The act gave provinces the ability to choose who was and who wasn't allowed to come into their province. This didn't permit some people come into Canada. -
Singh Decision
The Singh Decision is a day also known as Refugee Day. It all occurred when a man from India, named Satnam Singh was declined being labelled a refugee because of the Immigration Act of 1976. -
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
The Immigration Act and Refugee Protection Act was created to replaced the outdated "Immigration Act of 1976". Even though the Act was created in 2001, it came into effect in 2002.