In the summer on June 1914 the Pirnce Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie were murdered by Gavrilo Princip.
-Reasoning to the war. -
Austria Declares War
Serbia refuses to take "blame" for the murder of Archduke Ferdinand. Austria is inflammed by what the Serbians said, they declared war.
-This is when the war officailly starts. -
Germany Declares War
Germnay declares war on Russia because Russain is allied with Serbia and Serbia is at war with the German allies wich are Autria-Hungary.
-Russia joins the war. -
Germany Declares War On France
Germany declares war on France on Augest 3, 1914 because France is allied with Russia. -
Britain Declares War On
Britain declares war on Germany because Britain is allied with belgium.
-Britain joins the war. -
U.S says they are staying nuetrual.
Presidnet of the U.S. Woodrow Wilson states that the United States Of America will stay nurual.
- Major counrty stays out of the war. -
Battle of Tannenberg Starts
The battle of tannenberg is a battle between Germany & Russian that is begun in the first month of the war. 50,000 Russian soldiers were killed and another 92,000 were taken as prisoners.
-Many people were killed and taken prisioner in this battle. -
Battle Of Gallipoli
This battle was fought between Briatain and France Against, The Ottoman Empire, supported by, Germany, and Autria-Hungary. The Ottoman Empire comes out on top.
-This was another big battle with over 600,000 deaths and a victory for the Ottoman Empire. -
Spring Offensive
The Spring Offensive was a series of German attacks along the Western Front, which is a German trench that was controlled/occupide by the British.
-The U.S was in this battle. -
Treaty of Versailles
The Treaty of Versailles was a BIG part about WW1 because it Officaily eands the war.It ended the war between Germany and the Allied Powers. Treaties with the Central powers were delt with with another treaty.
-WW1 Officialy ends.