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Major Events of the Civil War

  • Lincoln gets elected

    Lincoln gets elected
    When Lincoln gets elected as president, South Carolina soon after secedes because they knew that he was against slavery. Lincoln was from Kentucky, Indiana, and then moved to Illinois when he was an adult. When Lincoln was elected a lot changed, like the relationship between the union and the seceding states, and slavery(Abraham Lincoln Elected President).
  • South Carolina Secedes

    South Carolina Secedes
    South Carolina Seceded from the federal union when Abraham Lincoln was elected as president. South Carolina secedes from the federal union because they knew that Lincoln was against slavery. This kind of sparked the Civil War, because almost a year later South Carolina joins the Confederate states(South Carolina Secedes).
  • Confederation gets formed

    Confederation gets formed
    The confederacy was a group of 11 southern states that seceded in 1860 to 1861. The confederacy was made because they wanted slavery unlike the Federal Union. The Confederate states were the southern states. The splitting up of the United States was the cause of the Civil War(10 facts).
  • When the Civil War began

    When the Civil War began
    The Civil War was between the Union and Confederate states of America, and Abraham Lincoln was the president at the time. Slavery was the cause of the war, many people in the north and some in the south did not like slavery, but in the south it was their economy. The Civil War was both in the north and south of America. The north won the Civil War, because they had more men, money, weapons, and horses than the confederates(10 Facts).
  • The Battles of Bull Run

    The Battles of Bull Run
    The first battle of Bull Run was in July 21, 1861 and the second battle was in August 28, 1862. The battle was between The Union and the Confederacy, the two first engagements were at a small stream named Bull Run. The confederates won both the first and second battle, although the victors took bigger casualties than the Union(First Battle of Bull Run).
  • Nava Battles:Monitor and Merrimac

    Nava Battles:Monitor and Merrimac
    The Monitor and Merrimack, also called Battle of Hampton Roads was a battle in a Virginia harbor near the James River. The Merrimac was destroyed because of Confederate soldiers taking over a Union port in Norfolk, Virginia. The Monitor was destroyed in a storm. This was considered history's first duel between warships of the new era. After it was over both ships sank and the Confederates retreated back to Virginia (History.com Editor).
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    The Battle of Shiloh is known as being a two day conflict that started when Confederate forces unleashed a surprise attack on Union forces. The battle ended with a Union victory over the Confederates surprise attack, but it was considered the bloodiest battle in American history with 23,000 dead and wounded. After the battle was over it ended in Tennessee where the Confederates figured out what to do next (History.com Editor).
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    During the Battle of Antietam this battle was fought by the Confederates and the Union in the Southern United States. This battle was fought because the Union corps mounted a assault on Robert Lee. It is estimated that the Confederate's lost around 10,70 while the Union lost around 12,400 men, and ended the invasion. After the battle President Lincoln declared slavery illegal in the territories (Battle of Antietam).
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    The Emancipation Proclamation was issued by Abraham Lincoln, it basically said that all slaves in rebellious states should be free. This took place in the southern states that were rebellion against the Federal Union. Free black Americans were allowed to serve by the end of the war(History.com editors).
  • Siege of Vicksburg

    Siege of Vicksburg
    The Siege of Vicksburg was a Union victory that happened during the Civil War. During this event it divided the confederacy and started the reputation of Ulysses S. Grant. The people involved in the siege were the confederate people and the Union. After the siege at Vicksburg the Union people controlled the Mississippi River and the Confederacy people were split in half on what to do (Vicksburg).
  • The Battle of Gettysburg

    The Battle of Gettysburg
    The Battle of Gettysburg was a battle between the Union and Confederate forces in the town of Gettysburg over a failed invasion by Robert E. Lee. This battle was known as one of the largest number of casualties of the entire war and the major turn in history. After the war was over the Union won, leaving Lee’s army with a little more than a third of his original army (History.com Editor).
  • Lincoln gets Re-Elected

    Lincoln gets Re-Elected
    Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States who’s main goal was to help end slavery. Abraham Lincoln was re-elected on November 8, 1864 where he faced off against General George McClellan for the right to run the country. Lincoln easily defeated McClellan a democrat nominee, by 212 to 21 votes in the electoral college system. After Lincoln was re-elected he was later assassinated 2 months after by John Wilkes Booth (Lincoln’s Assassination).
  • Period: to

    Reconstruction of the South

    The Reconstruction of the South is the time after the American Civil War where the United States was challenged with the task of restoring in the Union to determine the status of African Americans. This involved the white Southerns and freed black Northerners. The outcome of this was the government making it so there were laws against racial discrimination as well as equitable taxes (Reconstruction).
  • Robert E. Lee

    Robert E. Lee
    Robert E Lee is best known for commanding the Army of Northern Virginia. This is known as one of the most successful Southern Armies. Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant as a fear it would hurt the South and because the Confederates didn’t want to break the Confederate lines which resulted in the surrender. After Robert E. Lee surrendered he was no longer able to return to his home in Arlington (10 Facts: Appomattox Court House).
  • Lincoln’s Assassination

    Lincoln’s Assassination
    Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States who’s main goal was to help end slavery. Lincoln was killed on April 15 1865 in a movie theater in Washington D.C by a man named John Wilkes Booth. Booth killed Lincoln because he believed that he would overthrow the Constitution destroy the South. After Lincoln was killed Andrew Jackson became the 17th president of United States (Lincoln’s Assassination).