Cotton Gin
The cotton gin was a cotton matchine. The purpose of the cotton gin was to take out and remove the cotton seeds from the cotton fibers. This was invented by Eli Whitney. -
Nullification Crisis
Missouri nulified against the free slave laws. They rebelled and said they would not becoem a free state. They were allowed to do this but it was not welcome. -
American System
This took place and was established before the Civil War. It was made to bring unity to the nations. Another reason was to protect tariffs to strengthen their econemy. This alos helped the transportation systen. -
Missouri Compromise.
Many people wanted Missouri to be split into two ststes. One of the states would be a free state while the other would be a slave state. Many agreements had to go through congress to make sure one state did not gain more power than the other. -
Monroe Doctrine.
This is a policy that states there si opposition to European inference due to the Western Hemisphere. They refused to be involved with European afairs. This was Announced by President Monroe hence the name Monroe Doctrine. -
Louisiana Purchase .
This was a purcase mad by the United stated. It was discussed betwen Monroe and Livington and their govermentys werent even consulted before it became final. The United states bought Frances Louisisna Territory. it cost 15 Million dolars. -
Nat Turners Rebellion
This was a slave rebellion that took place in Southampton County, Virginia. Rebel slaves killed about 55 to 65 people. This was the most amount of people killed from any slave rebellion. This was also known as the Southampton Insurrection -
Texas Revolution.
Texas rebelled against mexico. Most people in America and Mexico didnt look at Texas as a part of America. Texas wanted to be part of America. They rebbeled and gained their freedom. -
Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo
This treaty ended with the Unioted Stated going to war against Mexico. Mexico ceded California and New Mexico into the United States. -
Compromise of 1850
This was meant to settle dissagreements. This would do that between slave states and free states. Series of congressional measures. -
Uncle Toms Cabin
This was a hugely succesful, best selling novel. Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe ,it showed how terrible, violent, and evil slavery actually is. This helped the free states demonstrate what they thought. It was published in 1852. -
Kansas-Newbraska Act
This established the territories of Kansas and Newbraska. It was a law to reduce arguing. This gave both of the states the rights to choose wheather or noth they would be a free slave state or a slave state. -
Beating of Charles Sumner
Preston Brooks beated Charles Sumner who was senator of Massachusets. He was an unlikes leader of the Republican Party. After this event he said an angry speach in order to bring shame to Brooks. -
Dred Scott Decision.
This decison was mad eby the Suprime Court. The Civil war was about to start now. Dred Scott was a slave and wanted to be free but still live with his master because once he would be freed he would have no where to go. -
Harpers Ferry
This was where a rebelion lead by John Brown happened. It is in West Virginia. He seized the US arsenal for a short time there. The town changed and became different many times durring the civil war. -
Election of 1860
In 1860 President Abraham Lincoln stops being the president. President John Bell was elected. He believed in compromise and slavery. -
South Carolina Secedes
The first southern state to declare its secession was South Carolina. They later came up with the confederacy.