Major events leading to emerging economic powers after the Cold War

By makyla
  • Mongomery G.I. Bill

    Mongomery G.I. Bill
    This bill allowed returning verterans low cost mortgage, loans to start business and cash to go to school and help with living expenses.
  • Baby Boom

    Baby Boom
    Baby Boom was from 1946-1964 With all the men coming home from war, there were many babies being born. The benefit from this economically was that is increased the number of consumers.
  • The Employment Act of 1946

    The Employment Act of 1946
    An act of legislation that charged the governement with the responsibility of having stable labor available
  • Taft Hartley Act of 1947

    Taft Hartley Act of 1947
    This helped fight slave labor. It let the president appoint a group of people to watch over the union. That way the health and safety of laborers were protected
  • Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956

    Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956
  • Automobile Growth

    Automobile Growth
    The automobile industry successfully converted back to producing cars, and new industries such as aviation and electronics grew by leaps and bounds
  • American Trade Deficit

    American Trade Deficit
    oil prices were higher and competition from trading partners, trade deficits went high and by the end of 1970's it was up to $30 billion per year
  • Sun Belt

    Sun Belt
    Development of the sunbelt increased agriculture and farming technologies