Janice Johnson History of the internet and computers.

  • Steve Wazniak invented the Apple I computer.

    Steve Wazniak invented the Apple I computer.
  • IBM introduced the PC.

    IBM introduced the PC.
  • Large universities and the government have access to email on the internet.

    Large universities and the government have access to email on the internet.
  • The world wide web became viable to the general public

    The world wide web became viable to the general public
  • The two creators of Google. Google online (Larry Page, Sergey Brin)

    The two creators of Google. Google online (Larry Page, Sergey Brin)
  • YouTube was found.

    YouTube was found.
  • 1st Tweet sent.

    1st Tweet sent.
  • Yahoo directory goes online.

    Yahoo directory goes online.
  • Instagram begin.

    Instagram begin.
  • Amazon releases the first Kindle

    Amazon releases the first Kindle