Major Events in Language Learning

  • 2 Months

    2 Months
    At two months old babies begin to coo and make soft vowel sounds.
  • 4 Months

    4 Months
    Infants observe their surroundings and enjoy turn taking games like pat-a-cake and peekaboo.
  • 6 Months

    6 Months
    Babies begin babbling, repeating syllables, and adding consonants to their cooing vowel sounds.
  • 12 Months

    12 Months
    Toddlers are able to speak their first recognizable word like "Mama", "ball", or "hi."
  • 18-24 Months

    18-24 Months
    Toddler vocabulary grows up to 250 words and they can begin combining two word phrases like, "thank you" and "hi mama".
  • 2-5 Years

    2-5 Years
    Make believe and pretend play help children to develop communication and social skills through role-play interactions with other children.
  • 8-12 Months

    8-12 Months
    Infants begin to use pre-verbal gestures like pointing and showing to express themselves and share information.
  • 6 to 12 Years

    6 to 12 Years
    Children at the end of early childhood begin to develop more symbolic understanding of concepts and have the capacity for more abstract thinking. This allows for greater cognitive and literacy skill building which contributes to language development.