Major events in 1750-1918

  • Period: to


  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    The Industrial revolution was a time where great advances in technology led to inventions such as the car, aeroplane and the steam engine.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    When the British government refused to remove a tax on tea, American people dumped a heap of tea into Boston Harbour. It was a sign of rebellion and was a main event leading up to the revolution.
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    The American Revolution was a time where America became it's own independent nation, by breaking away from the British empire. Major events included the Boston Tea Party and the War of Indepandence. The American Revolution was an important time in American history.
  • First Fleet arrived in Australia

    First Fleet arrived in Australia
    The first ship of people to come to Australia from England. There was over 1000 people on it. These were the first people to colonise Australia.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    The French revolution started when Louis XVI came to power in France. He contolled everything and this resulted in his country delving into poverty. The people were extremely unhappy with this and forcefully remove Louis and his followers to make a fairer government.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    A French mob moved into the Bastille to get weapons and explosives for a war. This event became the symbolic flashpoint of the French Revolution.
  • Louis XVI was Excecuted

    Louis XVI was Excecuted
    Louis was executed by guillotine along with 16,594 other followers of the government.
  • The First Battery is made

    The First Battery is made
    Alessandro Volta invents a battery to store an electrical current, the unit of electric potential, the volt is named after him.
  • French Revolution ends

    French Revolution ends
    In 1804 Napoleon was crowned Emperor of France, France went through a period of mass expansion. Although France reverted back to it's original monarch this meant that the people had to be respected by the government.
  • Gold found in Australia

    Gold found in Australia
    Edward Hargraves discovers gold near Bathurst, New South Wales, this triggered several gold rushes in Australia which over doubled the population of men and brought many culture in the world to Australia.
  • Eureka Stockade

    Eureka Stockade
    The Eureka Stockade was a fight for miners rights during the Ballarat Gold rush. In particular they wanted to get rid of unnesesary taxation, such as the miners licence
  • Abraham Lincoln Assasinated

    Abraham Lincoln Assasinated
    On this date important American president Abraham Lincoln was assasinated while attending a play. Lincoln was shot in the head from point blank range, he died 9 hours later.
  • American Civil War started

    American Civil War started
    The American Civil war was between the north and south America. It is still the most deadliest war in American history there was nearly more death than WW1 and WW2 combined.
  • Adolf Hitler was born

    Adolf Hitler was born
    Future leader of Germany. Born in Austria, served for Germany in World War 1 as an officer. He used his hatred for the jews to feul World War 2.
  • Australian Federation

    Australian Federation
    This was when Australia became it's own single nation, although Australia was still apart of the Great Britian Empire this was a great advancement in the nation.
  • The First Flight

    The First Flight
    Brothers Wilbur and Orville Wright achieve the first controlled, powered, man carrying flight. Although the flight only lasted for approximately 30 seconds this was a great advancement in the evolution of flying.
  • Henry Ford crestes the first automobile

    Henry Ford crestes the first automobile
    Henry Ford creates the first mass produced automobile. It was a fast and effective way of transportation. This symbolized the industrial revolution and the effect it was having on modern society.
  • Titanic sunk

    Titanic sunk
    The Titanic was the biggest passenger steamship, holding over 2000 people it was branded 'unsinkable'. That all changed when the boat hit an iceberg just after midnight of the 14th of April. Over 1500 people died it was one of the worst disasters of the 20th century.
  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    An importantant figure in the Austrian-Hungary empire, after the Serbians assasinated him they declared war on Serbia slowly this led to World War 1.
  • WW1 ends

    WW1 ends
    Germany surrended and this ended world war 1. Germany was made to surrending alot of land and had to pay over 300 billion dollars to repay the costs of war.