Major Events From The Civil Rights Movement

  • Aug 6, 1065

    Voting Rights Act (1965)

    Voting Rights Act (1965)
    The Voting Rights Act goal was to overcome barriers that prevented blacks from their right to vote. It is said to be one of the most out going act in US history. it is significant because it protects Africans Americans right to vote and have a say in legal/ government decisions.
  • Plessy vs. Ferguson

    Plessy vs. Ferguson
    Plessy vs. Ferguson is a Supreme Court Case that allowed states to pass laws allowing racial segregation in public. It was discriminating African Americans and considered to be under the "separate but equal" doctrine. The case is important because it was the first major thing to be questioned from the Fourteenth Amendment.
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board of Education
    Brown vs. Board of Education is a Supreme Court case where the racial segregation of children in public schools was ruled unconstitutional. It helped to bring attention that "separate but equal" education is not actually equal. This case is important because it started the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Murder of Emmett Till

    Murder of Emmett Till
    Emmitt Till was a 14 year old, African American boy that was brutally tortured and murdered for allegedly flirting with a white women. Later the lady confesses that Emmitt Till did not touch, or harassed her. The murder of Emmitt Till is significant because the sparked the resistance of the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Rosa Parks & the Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Rosa Parks & the Montgomery Bus Boycott
    Rosa Parks, an African American lady, refused to give up her seat to a white man. The Montgomery Bus Boycott was a protest where African Americans refused to ride city buses to protest segregated seating. It is significant because MLK Jr. emerged as a leader in the protest.
  • Little Rock Nine & Central High School

    Little Rock Nine & Central High School
    The little rock nine were nine African american students that enrolled into a all white school, but the first day of school they were blocked from entering the school. Later the president had sent guards with them to make sure they are protected. This is significant because it showed how even though segregation in public schools was deemed unconstitutional, people were still discriminating African Americans.
  • Founding of Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) & Martin Luther King

    Founding of Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) & Martin Luther King
    SCLS started with bus boycotts spreading spreading across the South because of the Montgomery Bus Boycott. They wanted to organize protest across the South. It is important because they wanted to protest non-violently and was being led my MLK Jr. until he died.
  • Greensboro Sit-In

    Greensboro Sit-In
    The Greensboro Sit -in was a protest that started with African American students being denied service, so they staged a sit -in. It spread to many colleges across the south and resulted in many being arrested. It is considered significant because it forced establishments to change their policies.
  • Freedom Ride/Freedom Riders

    Freedom Ride/Freedom Riders
    Freedom Riders were white and African American groups that went on bus trips across the south to protest segregated buses.They tried to used "white only" restrooms, but were arrested. It it significant because it brought international attention and helped with their cause.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    The March on Washington was a protest march in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. and there was a total of about 250,000 people. The goal was bring up ongoing challenges for African Americans. It was significant because it created a new understanding throughout the nation for racial and economic inequality.
  • Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) & Freedom Summer

    Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) & Freedom Summer
    Freedom Summer was a voting registration drive to increase African American voter registration in Mississippi. Many authorities and clans committed attacks against activists. It is significant because Mississippi was considered the "closed society" and they wanted to try to change Mississippi's political system.
  • Civil Rights Act (1964)

    Civil Rights Act (1964)
    The Civil Rights Act was the nations beginning of civil rights laws. It was the act that banned discrimination in the workplace and schools and the right to vote. It is significant because it allowed more opportunities to progress the end of discrimination.
  • Assassination of Malcolm X

    Assassination of Malcolm X
    Malcolm X, a African American activist and religious leader, was assassinated in New York City. He was murdered by Nation of Islam members while speaking at a rally. This is significant be he was a civil rights movement leader fighting for change and was killed.
  • Assassination of MLK

    Assassination of MLK
    Martin Luther King Jr. had a significant impact in the civil rights movement, like founding the SCLC, non -violent protest, and passionate speeches. He was assassinated in Tennessee and led to many African Americans becoming outraged. It is significant because it led to equal housing bill.