Major events from 1950's - 2000's

  • Cigarette smoking is reported to cause lung cancer

    Cigarette smoking is reported to cause lung cancer
    In 1954 cigarette companies were doing secret research on if cigarettes caused cancer. They were experiencing suspicions on whether or not they cause cancer; This was before warning labels were on the packages. Then on January 4th in 1954 it was announced that cigarettes do indeed cause cancer.
  • Albert Eistein's death

    Albert Eistein's death
    Albert Einstein died on April 18th in 1955 after experiencing an aortic aneurysm. After his death scientists kept Einstein's brain for further research. Many people still say that it was only Einstein the person that died. Einstein the icon lives on.
  • Rosa Parks stands up for her rights

    Rosa Parks stands up for her rights
    One cold December evening Ms. Rosa Parks was on her way home from work on a bus. While on the bus she was sitting in her segregated seat when a white man came on the bus and demanded she moved back. She turned her head and did not respond. The bus driver called the police on her for not moving from her seat.
  • Elvis Preley released his first hit song

    Elvis Preley released his first hit song
    Elvis Presley released his the song Heartbreak hotel on January 10th, 1956. The song later topped the billboard's top 100 for seven weeks and was number one on the country and western chart and was soon able to reach number 5 on the R&B chart.
  • Hawaii becomes a state

    Hawaii becomes a state
    Hawaii became the 50th state on August 21st, 1959. President Dwight D. Eisenhower was the man to admit Hawaii into the Union. He then later ordered a U.S. flag with 50 stars on it. This flag later became the official flag on July 4, 1960.
  • Most Powerful earthquake ever recorded hits Chile

    Most Powerful earthquake ever recorded hits Chile
    An earthquake hit Valdiva, Chile on May 21, 1960. The quake became known as the most powerful earthquake ever recorded. The quake registered an 8.5 magnitude and killed 5,000 people and left over 2 million homeless.
  • Berlin Wall was Built

    Berlin Wall was Built
    On August 15th, 1961 East German began building a wall for two purposes; to keep people in and to keep people out. On one side of the wall (the east side I believe) was a dictatorship and on the other side of the wall (west side) was a democracy. This wall was intended to keep these sides of Berlin seperate.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The Cuban Missile Crisis was mainly a military stand off between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. Both countries were threatning each other with nuclear missiles. In the end the Soviet Union leader agreed to remove the Cuban Missiles as long as the U.S. promised not to invade Cuba. Along with that JFK secretly agreed to remove U.S. Missiles from Turkey.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. makes his "I Have a Dream" speech

    Martin Luther King Jr. makes his "I Have a Dream" speech
    On August 28th, 1963 Martin Luther King Jr. gave his I have a dream speech. This speech would later become a famous speech that changed the civil rights movement and helped blacks get equality with all people.
  • Civil Rights act passes in the U.S.

    Civil Rights act passes in the U.S.
    The civil rights act of 1964 says that there may not be any descrimination on the basis of race, religion, sex, or national origin. This act was one of the biggest stepping stones in American history. Without this act many of the things we have today would not even be possible. For example, we would never have had the oppurtunity to have our first black president.
  • VCRs introduced

    VCRs introduced
    VCRs were introduced in 1971 and were a major breakthrough for what this was going to lead to. Because of the idea of the VCR there was an idea from Disney to make movies available for VCR. If Disney had never had this idea we would not have DVDs today. VCRs were originally used to record tv shows you might not be able to watch later. If VCRs would have never been invented we would not have any DVRs. We would not be able to record the tv shows we couldn't watch when they actually came on.
  • Roe vs. Wade legalized abortion in the US

    Roe vs. Wade legalized abortion in the US
    Roe vs. Wade was a major court case that was brought up by a pregnant single woman who wanted to be able to have an abortion while living in Texas (where it was illegal back then). In the end the courts said it was unconstitutional to not allow them to have an abortion as they pleased. They believed it messed with a couple of the amendments.
  • Microsoft founded

    Microsoft founded
    On April 4th, 1975 Bill Gates founded Microsoft. Microsoft was one of the things that would later be used by all. These days if you were to go on someone's laptop you would most likely see microsoft office technology on all of them. It has gotten to the point that most computers have microsoft office already installed onto it.
  • Cambodian genocide begins

    Cambodian genocide begins
    A breif summary of the cambodian genocide was that a leader by the name of Pol Pot wanted to form a communist peasant farming society which resulted in the death of 25 percent of the country.
  • Elvis found dead

    Elvis found dead
    Elvis Presley was found dead on August 16th, 1977. He supposedly died of natural causes dealing with the heart. According to many people he was sitting on the toilet when he collapsed. But Medical Examiners say that when they found him he was in the dressing room. I for one believe that there must have been foul play. If he collapsed in the bathroom how did he end up in the next room? Things don't seem to add up in this case..
  • Hole in the Ozone Layer discovered

    Hole in the Ozone Layer discovered
    In 1985 scientists told the public that they had discovered a hole in the ozone later and that it was increasing. The ozone layer has been increasing since 1985 and will continue to increase for the rest of our lives.
  • PG - 13 movie rating created

    PG - 13 movie rating created
    In 1985 the PG - 13 movie rating was created. Before this rating was created movies would just be looked over and then "approved" for all audiences. But later people realized that not everybody had the same classifications for appropriate so thats when they started classifying things as pg and pg-13.
  • Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster

    Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster
    On April 26th, 1986 the largest nuclear disaster the world had ever seen happened in Chernobyl, Ukraine. There was a sudden surge of power in a unit of the nuclear power plant in Chernobyl that caused an amazingly terrible nuclear disaster.
  • DNA first used to convict criminals

    DNA first used to convict criminals
    In 1987 Dna started to be used to convict criminals of their crimes. This was the biggest advancement in catching the criminal since fingerprints were able to be used. With this you could take the simplest thing and use it against someone. You could find someone by something as simple as a spit sample.
  • Berlin Wall Falls

    Berlin Wall Falls
    the berlin wall was put up to divide wwest berlin and east germany. the day the wall had fallin down there were germans from both sides dancing on the wall together and uniting as one.
  • Copper Age man found frozen in glacier

    Copper Age man found frozen in glacier
    on september 19, 1991 a few tourist found the copper aged man sticking out of the ice. he is now known as Otzi, Otzi is approxmently 5,300 years old when they found him. his body was perserved in perfect condition.
  • Use of the internet grows exponentially

    Use of the internet grows exponentially
    The growth of the internets use in 1993 can be explained by the use of the internet. The internet became used as a way to connect with millions of people from all over the world. It was a way to connect. To talk to people and to stay in touch with all your friends. This is the main reason that the internet use grew so exponentially.
  • Oklahoma city bombing

    Oklahoma city bombing
    the bombing claime 168 lives. including 19 kids wwho have yet to see there sixth birthday. this bombing had also injured 680 people. there was shatterd glass in nearly 258 nearby buildings.
  • Princess Diana dies in car crash

    Princess Diana dies in car crash
    The beloved Princess Diana died in a tragic car crash on August 31st, 1997. She died while running away from the paparazzi. Her chauffer was going at 80 mph when he lost conrol of the car and the car crashed. Princess Diana was rushed to the hospital, but soon died suffering from cardiac arrest.
  • Killing Spree at Columbine High School

    Killing Spree at Columbine High School
    they say that the columbine high school shooting was one of the dealist school shootings in american history. after the shooters have enterd the school, in 20 minutes they have already killed 12 students and one teacher. and wounded 21 others.
  • 9/11

    9/11 was a tragic attack on the united states. two planes were crashed into the twin towers causeing it to fall down. some people had even jumped too their death so they could excape the pains of being crushed or burning alive. 9/11 wwill always be rememberd. always in our hearts.
  • Iraq War Begins

    Iraq War Begins
    the invasion of iraq lasted from march 19th 2003 - may 1st 2003. but later came what was named the "iraq war" it was dubbed operation iraqi freedom. durring this war 100,00 troops were assembled.
  • NASA Rover lands on Mars

    NASA Rover lands on Mars
    everything moved smoothly when NASA sent a rover into space to land on mars. everyone was so excited when they heard about a rover landing on mars. there is so much more to do and looking forward to it when it happens.
  • Hurrican Katrina

    Hurrican Katrina
    this hurricane was the strongest in the last 100 years with winds up too 125mph destroying everything in its path including homes and buisness. 5698 were injured. and twice that much were killed.
  • Sandy Hook Shooting

    Sandy Hook Shooting
    On this day twenty students (6 and 7) and six adults were killed on the scene when a young man came into the school and let out tons of shots.