Major Event in History of internet

  • The First computer

    Charles Babbage created the firsts ever computer.
  • Portable Computers and Devices

    Portable Computer were created
  • The First Ram

    In 1970 Intel introduced today's most common form of RAM (Random-Access Memory) in the 1103 Chip. What is RAM? RAM is an extremely essential part of the modern computer.
  • Apple Discovered

    Apple was co-founded by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs. Apple started out as a small hobbyist group that built pre-assembled computers for a store knows as the Byte Shop.
  • The worlds first Website

    Tim Berners-Lee created the first ever website so that the britsh government could see the plans
  • One of the earliest web search

    Swiss developer Oscar Nierstrasz builds one of the earliest web search engines, W3 Catalog.
  • The First Ad

    The first banner ad appears. Featured on
  • First Online Pizza Delivery

    The first online pizza delivery was a large mushroom and pepperoni pizza
  • First Dating Website

    The world gets its first dating website, the “interactive digital personals service” that is
  • The First viral Video

    it is a video of a babydancing
  • The first Blog

    American programmer Jorn Barger created the first ever
  • Google was created

    Entrepreneurs Larry Page and Sergey Brin register the domain, with the aim to “to organize a seemingly infinite amount of information on the web.”
  • Launch of Facebook

    Launch of “the Facebook,” designed by Harvard University students. More than 1,000 undergraduates sign up within the first 24 hours.